Application: Xav
your call sign: Xav
your age: 50
your type of internet connection and speed: download32Mbps upload 6Mbps
your timezone: UTC+1
your availability during the week and or weekends: Depending on my shiftwork (helicopter pilot), and family. I can spare a lot of time during the day, and at least 2 evenings a week.
your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: 6 months on DCS, around 100.
your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Only did very simple missions for formation flight training, target practice, and navigation.
your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): I love the Mi-8, huge beast. Not that much the UH-1, lack of power and rotor got too much inertia. Not fond of the Gazelle, nice to fly a bit around but jumping from one seat to another is a tactical nightmare for me.
your expectations w.r.t BSD: I would love to improve my flying skills and share some knowledge with fellow players, as well as flying with real persons. It's all about sharing and having fun.