F.N.G. (New Guy)
Call sign: DeutschBag
Age: 34
Internet connection: 1GB wired
Timezone: East Coast
Availability: M-F will be hit or miss between work and kids. Im a weekend warrior at best but this also depends on life!
Approximate DCS hours: 6
Mission Editor: No experience with it yet
Preferred A/C: UH-1H but hopefully one day the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
Expectations: I have looked for years for a group geared towards rotorywing aircraft. From what I have read so far I don't think I will be let down. Just want to fly around with like minded rotorheads.
About me: 16 years and counting Army Helicopter Mech/Tech. Another 4 to go and finally freedom lol! Aircraft experience on OH-58D Kiowa Warrior until the Army phased her out. Now currently work/instruct on the AH-64D/E Apache. Wanted to be pilot but that time has flown by. Been around the world a bit. Three tours down range. Enjoy aviation in general but strong passion for rotorywing aircraft. Huge WWII fanatic with just about everything about era interesting me. I have been flight simming for many years but it has always been fixed wings VAs with personal rotorywing flight on the side.
Cheers Brian