Hi Sinuos,
I just saw your post, sorry it took a few days to get back to you. Weekends would be your best bet now for 1800z to 2200z. Some days during the week I may be on at that time, but that's just a few days.
The Huey is a good one to start with, the Mi-8 is fun too! Learning the basics the Huey may work better as its very forgiving if you get it wrong.
First thing to do is have an introduction flight, where you get to know us, we get to know you. Nothing hard just a simple flight. It gives our Unit trainers a chance to see where you are and what area's you need to work on. Plus it gives you a chance to see if you like it, think you will be a good fit for the group and get to know the guys.
So when you are free, let us know a good day and time for you and we can set that up. A awesome trainer wearing a set of Oakley's or Ray bans will contact you for a flight. It will be on the website on the right side. You just click on it and register for the flight.
A few things you will need is Simple Radio(not for the first flight) but you will need it. Also if you're not on our discord channel you will need that. We use that for our voice chat when not in Simple Radio. Discord link is on the web page little tab and the right side.
Look forward to flying with you!