
Black Shark Den Forum

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  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Training mission 1/11/17.

    January 12 at 3:26 am

    Holy....... Indeed. Totally badass.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf created new topic Training mission 1/11/17.

    January 12 at 1:37 am

    Pilots, Eagle, Mole, BK..Flight time 4 hours... Started out in 2.04 with Gazelle's. Mole couldn't get the target range mod to work so we went for 1.5 and the Mi-8 high...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Mods question.

    January 9 at 2:54 am

    yes. sorry I should have told you guys. same mod 1.7 is working for both.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf created new topic Mods question.

    January 8 at 5:14 pm

    Heading over to 2.04 as we are a few times will the training range 1.7 work there or is there a different one for 2.04? I know most of my mods are different for 2.04. That...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Welcome to Cyrano!.

    January 8 at 6:29 am

    This really sucks that I lost your application/presentation post Cyrano. You should have your ranking and access rights correctly set up now. And this time, I will make a...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic BSD end of year 2016 assessment and future projects.

    December 28 at 7:18 pm


    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Welcome to Redline!.

    December 28 at 6:07 pm

    Welcome Redline!, We had  great flights in Buddy spike (until the connection issue) and a little bit in my training mission as well. Now that you have access to more of the...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Welcome to Redline!.

    December 28 at 4:54 pm

    This Xmas period has been pretty busy so far, so I didn't have the chance to fly with you Redline, but BK was pretty positive about you after you guys spent some time flying...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    December 28 at 4:37 pm

    In case you didn't notice, ovGME 1.6.6 has been available since last month. It's just some bug...

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Screenshots!.

    December 23 at 12:06 am

    Wow, That looks cool! I didn't make it to land but it was fun and good practice for me.

    8 years ago

  • royratcliffe replied to the topic Application for Redline.

    December 22 at 7:32 am

    Hey Bad,  Apologies. We've had a communication failure. In our previous exchange I thought we'd agreed that I'd skip the mission for now and meet up this evening...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for Redline.

    December 22 at 5:05 am

    Hey Red, Sorry I sent you the info about the TS server a bit at the last minute. We didn't see you though at the mission tonight. We assumed that 2 am was not the best...

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Screenshots!.

    December 22 at 4:45 am

    So I was killing it today in a bad way as ATC.  I love the radio function but will definitely need to figure out how to use lotatc better   Rogue 02 and Rouge 03...

    8 years ago

  • royratcliffe replied to the topic Application for Redline.

    December 21 at 7:23 pm

    Mole wrote: Mole here, another UK based BSD subscriber. I have only managed one or two flights with BSD due to time difference, but I...

    8 years ago

  • royratcliffe replied to the topic Application for Redline.

    December 21 at 7:14 pm

    > You should setup your nickname/callsign in your profile instead so your full name doesn't show up Thanks. I did try to fix that. But exactly how escapes me. Is...

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Screenshots!.

    December 21 at 6:03 pm

    Bought COD and never installed it? Wow, I have to install when I buy just to see what it is. The shots are older ones I found on my HD while looking for some document. Other...

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch replied to the topic Application for Redline.

    December 21 at 5:08 pm

    Hi Redline, Mole here, another UK based BSD subscriber. I have only managed one or two flights with BSD due to time difference, but I like to keep in touch. If you...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for Redline.

    December 21 at 3:18 pm

    Hi Redline (You should setup your nickname/callsign in your profile instead so your full name doesn't show up), and welcome to BSD. Thanks for this introduction. We...

    8 years ago

  • royratcliffe created new topic Application for Redline.

    December 21 at 1:53 pm

    Hi, I'm 48 and use the call-sign Redline, because rotorcraft under fire seems like a very thin red line. Though I'm sure the feeling of being on a blade's edge of death is...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Screenshots!.

    December 21 at 6:41 am

    Hi BK. Looks great! I actually owned COD, but I never installed it! Not enough time!

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Screenshots!.

    December 21 at 5:09 am

    Cliffs of Dover, 20th, and escorts getting ready. Part of Chucks "Band of Blennies" or AKA as Charley owl to DCS. The 20th had a big part in that raid. I flew wing to Chuck on...

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf created new topic Screenshots!.

    December 21 at 4:05 am

    So, I like to take pictures of what is going on. I thought I'd share a few with ya'll, The 20th Bomber Group putting in work... First up IL2, Battle of...

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch liked a reply to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 20 at 6:37 pm

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch said thank you to BK for his/her reply to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 20 at 6:37 pm

    This is turning out to be a great thread! Thanks for posting your stories too! Sherwood Rangers rings a bell with me Mole, I have read about them but I can't say your...

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 19 at 9:43 pm

    And wishing you all a great Holiday Season, whatever you do, and a high-flying New Year!

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 19 at 9:42 pm

    Hi BK, I would be amazed if you recognised my Grandfather's name! He was just one of thousands of men in a world war.... He did meet Monty, and I think was decorated...

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 19 at 2:10 am

    Ya that's pretty much it. It doesn't matter how fast you spin those blades because of the freewheeling unit you can't hand start a helicopter.

    8 years ago

  • ShuRugal replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 18 at 11:23 pm

    I love that Spec at the beginning hand-starting the rotors...  That would be an epic way to screw with the new guy...   "Hey there Private, come give me a hand...

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 17 at 12:10 pm

    This is turning out to be a great thread! Thanks for posting your stories too! Sherwood Rangers rings a bell with me Mole, I have read about them but I can't say your...

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 16 at 6:17 pm

    Wow these are pretty good stories guys. For me I guess it goes back to my Grandfather who joined the Air Force in the mid to late 50s as an enlisted man working on...

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 16 at 8:07 am

    Hi BK, Well my Grandfather was a commissioned officer in the 8th Army, Sherwood Rangers Cavalry regiment, Lieutenant Samuel Garrett. They actually took their horses to...

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 15 at 10:32 pm

    That's Awesome Mole! I'll do some digging and see what I can find out. I've read and watched a lot on the Med and El Alamein, I wonder if I have read about your grandfather...

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debrief mission Blackhawk down.

    December 14 at 5:50 am

    Re-flight of this mission tonight. Only Eagle and me. Flight time: 2.5 hours First two attempts were a disaster (I was leading). 3rd attempt was a success (Eagle was leading). Yeah, I got it. Bakara market cleared and troops deployed around it to clean up the mess. We didn't go through the convoy escort and POWs extraction. It was a very good opportunity to train on the ground procedures though, and I think I get a better hang of Eagle's explanations this time. I'll need to write this down for our next missions. Pretty cool RTB on one engine for Angel1. Landed 'as soon as practical' which led us to the wrong airport, but at least crew and aircraft were safe.  

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 13 at 5:39 pm

    Course of action 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 13 at 3:02 pm

    By the way, what is a COA?

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 13 at 2:09 pm

    Hey BK, Great story, and a really good theme. You may be surprised that you can find out more than ever before about your Flying Tiger Grandfather. My mother's father was killed at El Alamein, fighting in tanks in the Western Desert, 1942. Obviously, I never knew him, and my mother and aunt were both very young. My mum is 84 now, still going strong. Recently, she had begun to research her own father, and I too have found many references to him in books which have only recently been written about his regiment and its history. A clever search term in Google or in Amazon books throws up a surprising amount. Lots of quite personal stuff, little anecdotes and funny stories about crashing and breaking brand new tanks. He is also credited with saving many fellows from burning tanks, and even helping a wounded Italian officer and other prisoners of war. I found a recording of a veteran on the Imperial War Museum website talking about him too. And comments by his fellow officers about their loss at his death. My grandmother never talked about it, and I don't think she ever recovered from his death, like many war widows.  As your grandfather was a pilot, there is likely to be some record about him in some of the history books about the Flying Tigers, a well known and recognised regiment. As a kid, I was fascinated by WW2. I built kits of tanks and planes, painted thousands of soldiers. Went crazy for Tamiya 1/35th, and Airfix 1/72nd models. My mother found it disturbing I think, especially if I was building a German panzer. But she never stopped me. Aged about 12, my dad helped me build some balsa and paper kits of Hurricanes and Spitfires, Me 109's etc. They were rubber band powered! Never got into RC, but I remember once going to a meeting with him in the hills with a load of guys my dad's age, with these great RC flying machines! I really loved it, but we did not have the money to indulge. At school, we had a cadet force, and I foolishly picked the navy! Don't ask why... But... one day the school had an open day for the services. The school was a bit of a feeder to the army, navy and airforce. And we cadets got to fly in a big transport chopper, a Puma I believe. It was AMAZING! We were strapped into bucket seats, and to this day I remember the noise as we made a 90 degree bank turn over a huge quarry at about 500 feet, hanging in the straps with the side-doors open, staring at the ground directly below! I was hooked. But I could not change service mid-year, and so the next year, I quit cadets completely.  I got my first computer in about 1982, the classic ZX Spectrum. I bought Tomahawk, and I think the rest is history....

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 11 at 2:24 pm

    TOWRICO and REDCON1 added in the BSD official brevity.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 11:48 pm

     Oh so they really do have to crank it? Hey wheres my tax money going? You couldn't buy a starter? LOL.. hey dude your MOS is... spin that blade! I guess its an ok job as long as you don't have to stop it from spinning!

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 10 at 11:21 pm

    Sadly no, my grandmother, who lived to be 101 was the last person alive that knew anything about what my grandfather did during the war, he never spoke about it after he got home from what my mom and grandmother say. And they were not going to tell a young kid "Your grandfather shot people down for a living" So for me at that young age it was milked over and a lot was left out.  I know he was with the Flying tigers, in Burma at some point and finished out the war in the Pacific. But that's as far as I can go. No one is still alive that knew him at all. So it remains a guessing game for me. I may never know.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 9:05 pm

    Well, we have a BSD Youtube channel that needs to be feeded with cool video. I am thinking myself of creating one to promote BSD with all the cool video sequences you guys can get from our missions.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 10 at 9:03 pm

    This is amazing BK. What a family! There must be a way to know more about your other grandfather who flew with the Flying tigers?

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf created new topic Who we are and how we came to aviation .

    December 10 at 7:05 pm

    So we talked a little about this on TS the other night so I thought I'd start a thread and share. I grew up hearing about WW2 from my step Grandfather (real one was killed when my dad was 16) Who flew the SB2C Helldivers off of the Franklin. CV-13, Big Ben. Things you won't hear in a documentary about it is the "Son of a bitch 2nd class" was not only hated by the crews but was deadly to bail out of. I remember my grandfather telling my how when shot up to the point you need to bail, they figured out you have to invert the aircraft and"fall out" or the slip stream would pull you into the huge tail and cut you in two. He was there on a mission when Japan hit the Franklin with Kamikazes and almost sunk it . The crew fought to save it and did bring it home. He told me he had to land on another carrier( I don't remember what one) and some of the squad had to just ditch in the water and be picked up. Most of their planes got pushed overboard. So his is out there in the Pacific somewhere, just how he left it. My other grandfather flew with the Flying Tigers, He never talked about it. I know from the stories my grandmother told me he had a pet monkey while in Burma. I'm not too sure about anything else. He had dementia when I was very young ,passed when I was 10. As the only grandson on that side of the family when my grandmother passed I got his things, A flight cap that has been in a zip lock..I don't want to take it out, and his Bloodchit. that has been framed for years and I dare not take it out either. The research I did found the silk quilted Bloodchit issued early 41 as very rare. Very desirable to collectors..not that I would ever sell it but its nice to have something that not too many people have ever seen. I don't have anything from my step grandfather..that went to his other side of the family. So that is what got me into flying at a very early age. From day one flying with the Air Group 8, or any group I use the number 13 in honor of him and Big Ben. In Cliffs of Dover our tail code was SR so adding the 13 to it made my bomber SR+M So if you see any youtube Blenheim bomber videos, and see SR+M..that's me. And the name BK came from my Warbirds days when you had a limit of letters to use Blackwolf was to long so I went with BKwolf..people starting calling me BK for short and it stuck. I talk to my old squad CO on facebook and he still calls me BK!..on facebook! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I would love to hear how you guys got the bug to fly.  

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 6:00 pm

    BK wrote: Very cool video..when it first started I saw the "cop stashes" and thought it was Super Troopers. Start the engine meow! LOL (if you haven't seen Super Troopers thats a joke from the movie,meow) I wonder if the guy has to crank the rotor by hand like that or was he just doing it to do it. And you have to shut down to R and R :P  Regarding wondering why the guy has to crank the blade?  Do you not see that when you start up the DCS Gazelle?  In my pretend immersion while flying DCS, I always have a guy cranking the rotar blades when I start her up.  :)

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 5:54 pm

    Guillaume G. wrote: Wow, that's a pretty cool video indeed. Funny how the guy outside is kinda 'hand starting' the main rotor. Looks very WWI style. :) DCS Gazelle today is doing a pretty good job as a Kiowa substitute, IMHO.   Absolutely with respect to the Gazelle.  One of the many reasons I love that helicopter.  Believe it or not but as I was watching that video I was thinking about how cool it would be to make a youtube video of the DCS Gazelle with that music playing in the background and basically making a copy of this video but for the DCS Gazelle.  I was also thinking how appropriate the name "gazelle" is for that helicopter and DCS module; It feels to me like it springs and leaps around the maps just like a gazelle when I'm flying it.  Beautiful stuff.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 4:09 pm

    Very cool video..when it first started I saw the "cop stashes" and thought it was Super Troopers. Start the engine meow! LOL (if you haven't seen Super Troopers thats a joke from the movie,meow) I wonder if the guy has to crank the rotor by hand like that or was he just doing it to do it. And you have to shut down to R and R :P

    8 years ago

  • ShuRugal replied to the topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 10 at 3:43 pm

    Good AAR, we learned a few hard lessons on this one, but that's what simulation is for.  I will work on drafting SOP annexes for formation flight ops and actions on contact.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 3:29 pm

    Wow, that's a pretty cool video indeed. Funny how the guy outside is kinda 'hand starting' the main rotor. Looks very WWI style. :) DCS Gazelle today is doing a pretty good job as a Kiowa substitute, IMHO. 

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 created new topic OH-58D Final Gunnery of the Kiowa.

    December 10 at 3:10 pm

    Beautiful, cool video of one of my favorite helicopters.  We can only hope that someday we will be verbalizing "DCS OH-58D Kiowa!"  I can dream can't I?  :)    

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 10 at 2:39 pm

    Looks fantastic guys!  Will try and join you this weekend for some flying.  Need to download and install Universal radio though, hope to get it done today.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 10 at 5:22 am

    Angels taking off. Inbound to the Georgian border Stagered formation Wow. This is a pretty exhaustive debrief you made Eagle. Thanks. I think I will leave the responsibility of maintaining the SOP to Shurugal. There are several good things to add in it from your remarks. OK for you Shurugal? Also, I got the formation wrong the first time. My BaD. I suggest to add your post about formations to the SOP. Regarding mission briefing, should we consider a mission data card like we can find on some A10 squads? Or maybe you already have one IRL that you can share Eagle?  

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    December 10 at 4:49 am

    I found this on line..Titled "This wont end well". Fitting for most of my landings, auto rotations and as a former MX rider..I feel the pain he is about to. Time to bail dude!

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising created new topic Prison Break (Mi-8 only).

    December 10 at 4:36 am

    Pilots 1-1 ShuRugal 1-2 Eagle_Rising 1-3 BaDCrC Mission status- Failure   It is pretty clear that with heavy AAA in the area that we either need to plan to avoid completely or have assets available to neutralize the threat.  first flight we were engaged by a Zsu-23-2 which immediately took out our flight lead and shortly taking out the rest of our flight.  second flight we were engaged by another Zsu-23-2 this time we elected to fly at a higher altitude which gave us more time to react and we all were separated but flight lead gave us a rally point to rejoin at. we then engaged the camp from east to west and had 1-1 take the south wall and 1-2 take the north wall while 1-3 had high cover. 1-1 first salvo was short of tgt but managed to get good effect on tgt on the second salvo.   1-2's first salvo was short and second was long having no effect on tgt. 1-1 broke to the south after weapons complete and 1-2 broke north to take high cover but was shot down after getting to close to village. unknown as to what happened to 1-1 and 1-3 after 1-2 went down.   SOP changes.  During daytime operation -lighting position lights off and anticollision light on for trail aircraft only until fence in. During daytime operations - position lights will be used for lost commo situations Comments and suggestions the word towrico stands for take off when ready in chalk order and should be announced by flight lead or amc otherwise flight will lift off all at the same time. this is usually used on an LZ when you want to limit time on the ground and will be followed by an in flight rejoin of formation.  RedCon1 is readiness condition 1 which mean ready for takeoff Tactical lead- we had trouble today with actions on contact the formation broke apart each time and we lost the imitative. a tactical lead will lead the formation until it is suitable for the flight to regain the formation actions on contact- from the aircrew training manual     The pilot on the controls (P*) will announce the direction of threat to other aircraft and his or her     intent. The P* will remain focused outside the aircraft during the event and should be aware that     crewmembers involved in conducting suppressive fire may be unavailable for assisting in obstacle     avoidance or noting other threat sources. The P* is responsible for safe performance of evasive      maneuvers and AIRCRAFT CONTROL. in a defensive posture it states      6. Detected by threat: Detection by the threat is usually determined by threat actions ranging from hostile   fire to a change in threat disposition – such as, deploying to cover or orienting on the aircraft.   a. If fired upon, execute evasive maneuvers IAW Task XXXX, suppressing as appropriate.   b. Prevent enemy’s capability to engage aircraft while deploying to cover or concealment, if available   and appropriate.   c. Locate threat.   d. Report. (SALT-W, SALUTE).   e. Recommend or execute a course of action. in a offensive posture    a. Deploy to cover and report.   b. Maintain contact and develop the situation.   c. Recommend or execute a COA.   Overall I think we need to plan these missions out better the mission briefings are good but the crew and flight briefings I think are a little lacking   Formation types.  Altitude(s).  Airspeed(s).  Aircraft lighting.  Lead change procedures.  Lost communication procedures.  Loss of visual contact procedures.  Actions on contact.  Inadvertent IMC procedures.  Downed aircraft/personnel recovery procedures. these are the things we brief everytime we do  a multi-ship flight Let me know if there is anything else I missed   

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Welcome to RedRotar65!.

    December 9 at 1:16 am

    Wow, those blades really were droopy.  Never seen that before in multi-play.  Had to be some bug.  Love those first two screenshots!  That is great formation flying.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Welcome to RedRotar65!.

    December 8 at 1:26 am

    not really what they mean by blade flapping haha

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Welcome to RedRotar65!.

    December 7 at 9:48 pm

    wow. These are badass flapping hinges!

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Welcome to RedRotar65!.

    December 7 at 8:55 pm

    I had fun flying with double R as well. A fellow prop head, so when DCS gets the Jug we may have to do some testing in our down time :P Here is a few shots,   Eagle overlapping blades and flying as he called it "stupidly close" or "insanely close." Can't remember.   Double R's droopy he saw them as normal..this is how we saw them...a video bug, server bug? Welcome RedRotar!  

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Welcome to RedRotar65!.

    December 7 at 7:01 pm

    Thank you.  Had a lot of fun last night.  Enjoyed the people and the flying.  Looking forward to many more flight and yes, I have missions we can fly.  :)  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Welcome to RedRotar65!.

    December 7 at 3:53 pm

    A warm welcome to Private RedRotar65 for his successful introduction flight last night. We hope to see him often on our missions, and even better if we can all fly on HIS missions.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Crazy Shots from Monday's flight.

    December 5 at 10:32 pm

    Here is some from our Mi-8 testing/training. It's all fun and games until Eagle says" Hey I'm going to try something." Eagle and Shu, door gunner joust. Time for BK to test out the emergency procedures.   Broke but down. Oh wait..the fat lady didn't sing yet.. Though I had a few of Bad crashing with style but I guess I hit the wrong key.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Anyone Flying Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of this Week?.

    December 5 at 10:00 pm

    I'm up for something this week too. I have a company party to go to Friday night so I won't be here for the mission.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Debrief mission Blackhawk down.

    December 5 at 9:58 pm

     I missed the whole thing! Well maybe next time.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Anyone Flying Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of this Week?.

    December 5 at 8:59 pm

    Ya I'm available all week I'll schedule something for tomorrow night   

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debrief mission Blackhawk down.

    December 5 at 4:24 pm

     Ahahahah! Epic indeed!

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Anyone Flying Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of this Week?.

    December 5 at 4:18 pm

    Hi Redrotar65 and welcome back.I am traveling today until Wednesday. We will re-fly the Prison Break mission on Friday night. But feel free to propose a mission. I know there are several pilots available this week.

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 created new topic Anyone Flying Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of this Week?.

    December 5 at 3:49 pm

    Title says it all.  Wondering if anyone is going to be up online the next few days?  Cheers.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debrief mission Blackhawk down.

    December 5 at 2:46 am

    Shu's crash not trying to give shu a hard time or anything I just thought it was pretty epic

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debrief mission Blackhawk down.

    December 4 at 6:53 am

    Pilots: Shurugal (Redwolf leader), Eagle_Rising (Angel leader), BaDCrC.Total flight time: 2 hours Mission evaluation:- AA threats neutralized around Dinamo arena: Success- Troops deployed at enemy HQ: Success but one M-8 lost (CFIT)- Crash site secured: Success- POW extracted: Success but one Mi-8 lost (hard landing)- POW dropped back to UGTB: yes.- Others: one enemy building taken down with rockets. Convoy survival rate: 50% of the vehicles were destroyed during ingress to crash site Remarks: - Briefing to be reworked as objectives and mission timeline were not clear. Redwolf flight leader ended up taking two tasks at the same time (escort+SEAD) when they were supposed to be sequential. Same understanding from angel leader. Redwolf flight had to split up to ensure proper coverage. New side gunners for Mi-8 proved to be very useful to the mission providing additional cover from ground fires.- UniversRadio new version worked fine overall (except a bad reception problem at the beginning of the mission). Radio failure procedure should probably by defined for BSD ops in the future.  

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Shurugal promotion .

    December 1 at 12:45 am

    Congratulations Shu!  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Crazy Shots from Monday's flight.

    November 29 at 5:41 am

    As usual, Eagles tried to see how close he could get to another chopper. This time, he chose to fly right under an autorotating Mi-8, which is certainly not the safest thing to do.  Cutting off my left landing gear with the main rotor, and still able to escape undamaged and unharmed. This not totally voluntary stunt has been performed just when a M2000 was flying right above.    

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic BSD Radio Communications procedures.

    November 29 at 3:55 am

    So I am opening this thread following Shurugal's excellent training we received tonight on the procedures we will use in conjunction with UniversRadio during our missions. First, remember that Shurugal's SOP is available on the BSD library (Library/Library (Restricted)/Operations/Operational Documents):  BSD Radio SOP We also looked at an example of com plan the 132nd squad is using:  132nd Communication plan. I don't know if this actually reflects what is used IRL. Talking about 132nd, here is their SOP: 132nd SOP. Since we are talking about radio procedures, remember that the official BSD brevity is available here: BSD Official Brevity.  

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    November 28 at 11:25 pm

    so I had a pretty good flight today really wish I could get pictures or videos but ForeFlights logs will have to do for now this is pretty cool it requires google earth though notice how we never even use the runway 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    November 28 at 11:25 pm

    so I had a pretty good flight today really wish I could get pictures or videos but ForeFlights logs will have to do for now this is pretty cool it requires google earth though notice how we never even use the runway 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    November 28 at 10:21 pm

    Haha I got one of those as well except mine has a Huey on it I need to find a good one for my helmet 

    8 years ago

  • ShuRugal replied to the topic Shurugal promotion .

    November 28 at 12:42 pm

    hehe, still trying to figure out how everything on this website works (I thought that logbook updated automagically with registering for a mission, whoops) Thanks for the bump, though!

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Shurugal promotion .

    November 28 at 2:25 am

    I believe we were all glad to see Shurugal taking an active part in BSD and having some nice ideas and proposals for this small community. He also showed a pretty good capacity to fly and work in cooperation during the last missions. So I think it's fair to welcome him to the BSD official pilots and promote him to the rank of Junior Lieutenant (even though it seems like he never logged any of his flight hours in his logbook :) ). Officer with 1 F/H? Shurugal, I am looking forward to see how we will structure a bit more our operations thanks to your contributions. Effective now. BaDCrC.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    November 27 at 9:23 pm

     Trying to keep up with me..Chug, Chug, Chug! Sometimes you just have to say , "Yep she's with me!" LOL

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Univers Radio installation tutorial.

    November 26 at 11:20 pm

    Oh..ok. Well that's good to know its coming. Thanks.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Univers Radio installation tutorial.

    November 26 at 4:04 pm

    So I talked to Tacno this morning and the ejected pilot radio will be implemented after the That's why it didn't work yesterday for you bk.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Univers Radio installation tutorial.

    November 26 at 12:08 am

    Thanks for the update Bad. I'll be on tonight to test with everyone.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Univers Radio installation tutorial.

    November 23 at 5:02 pm

    Up for this tutorial. Make sure you are following this. We can do a test flight this week.

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic [Debrief] Top of the World.

    November 19 at 8:31 pm

    I've been missing in action for a bit.  Work goes like that for me being a consulting engineer - real busy, and then nothing for a bit.  I love the difficulty of high altitude flying.  Wish I had noticed this mission and had the time to do it.  

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic [Debrief] Top of the World.

    November 17 at 11:45 pm

    I wish I could have been there. I was so looking forward to running this mission. I was cussing the big V last night, can you hear me now? But work is work and it pays for all my toys so I guess I shouldn't bitch too much. I guess we will run it again sometime. I did want to test my new skills in the dump truck and get my rating back, maybe. I'm going to run it tonight by myself just for fun.  BK

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic [Debrief] Top of the World.

    November 17 at 4:48 am

    Pilots: Eagle_Rising, BaDCrCDuration: 1.5 hours This mountain flight training is becoming kind of a classic here at BSD. But the scenery is always mind blowing. I can't help taking screenshots no matter how often I am flying this mission. Eagle and I finished the mission by flying back down to Nalchik, a 85km cross country navigation, after much playing with sling loads and landing on top of the Elbrus mountain at 5500 m high. Interestingly, I couldn't remember the last time I landed at Nalchick. It's good to still discover new areas in DCS, even after all those years of virtual flight in the region. 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Fundamentals of Flight .

    November 16 at 5:04 am

    Pictures stored locally on the server. This should solve the problem now.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Fundamentals of Flight .

    November 15 at 8:27 pm

    Idk on the pictures I can see it on my desktop but not my phone 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debrief Isegrim's mission: Massaker.

    November 15 at 5:57 am

    Pilots: Eagle_Rising, BadCrC, BlackWolf, Brain (at the end).Flight Time: 3 hours Mission debrief: Totally last minute mission. So no briefing except the one in the mission itself, using a mission that Isegrim designed and gave us. 2 villages to clean up from US troops and assault convoys. Pretty nasty number of threats, including a lot of Vulcans, Strykers and Avengers. We all got shot down a lot. Thank God, the FARP was a few minutes flight from EA. I took us a lot of time to clean up the first village but it was quicker for the second. We got tricked a lot but some unexpected enemy AA positions and incoming convoys we missed while being concentrated only on the fixed units within the village. Mission was a success and convoy made it to the enemy FARP once cleaned up. A nice family picture with me (BaDCrC) and Eagle_Rising at the end of the mission. Pretty incredible how we both look alike!  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Fundamentals of Flight .

    November 15 at 5:42 am

    Awesome post Eagle. I edited the table. I had problem initially to view the pictures. I don't know if everybody can see them. (link https)

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC said thank you to craig for his/her reply to the topic Fundamentals of Flight .

    November 15 at 5:32 am

     So it's been a while since I have made one of these but I thought I would continue with Formation flying and Basic Combat Skills  Starting out with the basics you have a Air Mission Commander (AMC) who is responsible for planning organizing and briefing the mission; delegates tasks and ensures flight integrity, discipline and mission accomplishment. The AMC is in charge of all flight resources. flight lead who is primarily tasked with navigation, en route communications and obstacle/threat avoidance. Flight leads are selected by the AMC and are generally the most proficient Pilot in Command (PC) Wingmen (chalk 2,3..) are assigned supporting roles by the AMC. wingmen especially chalk 2 should be prepared to lead at any moment. Tactical lead is a role of the first crew member to identify a threat or obstacle regardless of their position within the flight. Tactical lead announces and selects appropriate maneuver to engage supress or bypass the threat. Tactical lead may change many times over the course of a mission   Techniques of movement You have three techniques of movement traveling- used to move more rapidly enemy contact is not likely or speed is necessary for evasion. All aircraft are flying at the same speed - Low level, Contour traveling overwatch- is used when speed is essential and enemy contact is possible. normally associated with recon, security and attack missions. lead team/aircraft move constantly and trail aircraft/team move as necessary to maintain overwatch on lead. - NOE Bounding overwatch-  used when enemy contact is expected and concealment is required, slowest technique. One element remains in position to observe, fire, or maneuver before the other element moves. the elements will either alternate or successively bound. the length of the bond depend on terrain and visibility. - NOE, Contour Communication when it is essential that radio communication in the flight is limited the following is an example of a formation flight without radio communications l        Forming of flight. Aviators maneuver the helicopters into position for the formation takeoff. At this point, the anti-collision light should be on. The pilots will then turn off the anti-collision light when their aircraft is ready for takeoff and after the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off. When the trail aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, it will announce to lead the flight is ready using a codeword or plain language. Trail will leave its anti-collision light on for the flight. The flight will then depart after the codeword, ATC call, and/or on time as per the mission briefing. l        Formation landing. Upon landing, all aircraft will immediately turn their anti-collision light back on. Whenever their aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, the aviator will turn off the anti-collision light. When trail aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, they will announce to lead the flight is ready using the code word or plain language. Again, the trail aircraft will leave its anti-collision light on for the flight. The flight will then depart as briefed. Formations the formation angles traditionally are 30 or 45 degrees but can very on aircraft or mission. Horizontal Distance- formations are defined and expressed in rotor diameters between tip-path planes. tight - the horizontal distance for tight is approximately two rotor disks close - three to five loose - six to ten extended - more than ten   vertical separation Flat  - all aircraft flown at the same altitude stepped- up - vertical separation of 1 -10 ft higher between lead and chalk 2 and each successive aircraft  stepped- down - vertical separation of 1 -10 ft lower between lead and chalk 2 and each successive aircraft; note trail aircraft will require more power to fly in this formation                                             FORMATION TYPES Fixed formations are used when more control is required. are useful for departure and arrival at LZs  Stagered Most common formation Echelon- good for dust/snow landings but severely limits flight maneuverability Trail Formation- most difficult fixed formation V- formation- restrict fire from inboard door guns Maneuvering Formations team combat cruise  flight combat cruise combat cruise right Optimum position is 45 degrees  combat cruise left combat trail- should not be used for extended periods of time or at night due to difficulty determining rates of closure combat spread- used for maximum obseration to the front   Aircraft Lighting     LITECON Description Anticollison visible position NAV lights Formation lights Cover IR pos lights If applicable 1 FAA-day white off off off 2 FAA-night Red  Bright Bright on 3 Night Form Off Dim Bright on 4 covert OFF/IR Off Covert on 5 total blackout off off off off   Hope this was helpful I will be posting the BCM Fundamentals in a few days again this is all be puled out of the FM-3-04 linked above. 

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 15 at 2:37 am

    I agree...not a first mission.  But maybe build up to it.  I"m fairly good at flying the Gazelle, but this mission scared me quite a bit.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 14 at 8:17 pm

    Probably not a fist mission but the second or third flight 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 14 at 8:17 pm

    Probably not a fist mission but the second or third flight 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 14 at 8:17 pm

    Probably not a fist mission but the second or third flight 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 14 at 6:46 pm

    Why not. Maybe a bit harsh for a first mission? But experienced applicants could go through this kind of mission I guess. Plus it's a pretty short one.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Fundamentals of Flight .

    November 14 at 2:00 am

     So it's been a while since I have made one of these but I thought I would continue with Formation flying and Basic Combat Skills  Starting out with the basics you have a Air Mission Commander (AMC) who is responsible for planning organizing and briefing the mission; delegates tasks and ensures flight integrity, discipline and mission accomplishment. The AMC is in charge of all flight resources. flight lead who is primarily tasked with navigation, en route communications and obstacle/threat avoidance. Flight leads are selected by the AMC and are generally the most proficient Pilot in Command (PC) Wingmen (chalk 2,3..) are assigned supporting roles by the AMC. wingmen especially chalk 2 should be prepared to lead at any moment. Tactical lead is a role of the first crew member to identify a threat or obstacle regardless of their position within the flight. Tactical lead announces and selects appropriate maneuver to engage supress or bypass the threat. Tactical lead may change many times over the course of a mission   Techniques of movement You have three techniques of movement traveling- used to move more rapidly enemy contact is not likely or speed is necessary for evasion. All aircraft are flying at the same speed - Low level, Contour traveling overwatch- is used when speed is essential and enemy contact is possible. normally associated with recon, security and attack missions. lead team/aircraft move constantly and trail aircraft/team move as necessary to maintain overwatch on lead. - NOE Bounding overwatch-  used when enemy contact is expected and concealment is required, slowest technique. One element remains in position to observe, fire, or maneuver before the other element moves. the elements will either alternate or successively bound. the length of the bond depend on terrain and visibility. - NOE, Contour Communication when it is essential that radio communication in the flight is limited the following is an example of a formation flight without radio communications l        Forming of flight. Aviators maneuver the helicopters into position for the formation takeoff. At this point, the anti-collision light should be on. The pilots will then turn off the anti-collision light when their aircraft is ready for takeoff and after the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off. When the trail aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, it will announce to lead the flight is ready using a codeword or plain language. Trail will leave its anti-collision light on for the flight. The flight will then depart after the codeword, ATC call, and/or on time as per the mission briefing. l        Formation landing. Upon landing, all aircraft will immediately turn their anti-collision light back on. Whenever their aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, the aviator will turn off the anti-collision light. When trail aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, they will announce to lead the flight is ready using the code word or plain language. Again, the trail aircraft will leave its anti-collision light on for the flight. The flight will then depart as briefed. Formations the formation angles traditionally are 30 or 45 degrees but can very on aircraft or mission. Horizontal Distance- formations are defined and expressed in rotor diameters between tip-path planes. tight - the horizontal distance for tight is approximately two rotor disks close - three to five loose - six to ten extended - more than ten   vertical separation Flat  - all aircraft flown at the same altitude stepped- up - vertical separation of 1 -10 ft higher between lead and chalk 2 and each successive aircraft  stepped- down - vertical separation of 1 -10 ft lower between lead and chalk 2 and each successive aircraft; note trail aircraft will require more power to fly in this formation                                             FORMATION TYPES Fixed formations are used when more control is required. are useful for departure and arrival at LZs  Stagered Most common formation Echelon- good for dust/snow landings but severely limits flight maneuverability Trail Formation- most difficult fixed formation V- formation- restrict fire from inboard door guns Maneuvering Formations team combat cruise  flight combat cruise combat cruise right Optimum position is 45 degrees  combat cruise left combat trail- should not be used for extended periods of time or at night due to difficulty determining rates of closure combat spread- used for maximum obseration to the front   Aircraft Lighting     LITECON Description Anticollison visible position NAV lights Formation lights Cover IR pos lights If applicable 1 FAA-day white off off off 2 FAA-night Red  Bright Bright on 3 Night Form Off Dim Bright on 4 covert OFF/IR Off Covert on 5 total blackout off off off off   Hope this was helpful I will be posting the BCM Fundamentals in a few days again this is all be puled out of the FM-3-04 linked above. 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Fundamentals of Flight .

    November 14 at 2:00 am

     So it's been a while since I have made one of these but I thought I would continue with Formation flying and Basic Combat Skills  Starting out with the basics you have a Air Mission Commander (AMC) who is responsible for planning organizing and briefing the mission; delegates tasks and ensures flight integrity, discipline and mission accomplishment. The AMC is in charge of all flight resources. flight lead who is primarily tasked with navigation, en route communications and obstacle/threat avoidance. Flight leads are selected by the AMC and are generally the most proficient Pilot in Command (PC) Wingmen (chalk 2,3..) are assigned supporting roles by the AMC. wingmen especially chalk 2 should be prepared to lead at any moment. Tactical lead is a role of the first crew member to identify a threat or obstacle regardless of their position within the flight. Tactical lead announces and selects appropriate maneuver to engage supress or bypass the threat. Tactical lead may change many times over the course of a mission   Techniques of movement You have three techniques of movement traveling- used to move more rapidly enemy contact is not likely or speed is necessary for evasion. All aircraft are flying at the same speed - Low level, Contour traveling overwatch- is used when speed is essential and enemy contact is possible. normally associated with recon, security and attack missions. lead team/aircraft move constantly and trail aircraft/team move as necessary to maintain overwatch on lead. - NOE Bounding overwatch-  used when enemy contact is expected and concealment is required, slowest technique. One element remains in position to observe, fire, or maneuver before the other element moves. the elements will either alternate or successively bound. the length of the bond depend on terrain and visibility. - NOE, Contour Communication when it is essential that radio communication in the flight is limited the following is an example of a formation flight without radio communications l        Forming of flight. Aviators maneuver the helicopters into position for the formation takeoff. At this point, the anti-collision light should be on. The pilots will then turn off the anti-collision light when their aircraft is ready for takeoff and after the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off. When the trail aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, it will announce to lead the flight is ready using a codeword or plain language. Trail will leave its anti-collision light on for the flight. The flight will then depart after the codeword, ATC call, and/or on time as per the mission briefing. l        Formation landing. Upon landing, all aircraft will immediately turn their anti-collision light back on. Whenever their aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, the aviator will turn off the anti-collision light. When trail aircraft is ready for takeoff and the preceding aircrafts anti-collision light is off, they will announce to lead the flight is ready using the code word or plain language. Again, the trail aircraft will leave its anti-collision light on for the flight. The flight will then depart as briefed. Formations the formation angles traditionally are 30 or 45 degrees but can very on aircraft or mission. Horizontal Distance- formations are defined and expressed in rotor diameters between tip-path planes. tight - the horizontal distance for tight is approximately two rotor disks close - three to five loose - six to ten extended - more than ten   vertical separation Flat  - all aircraft flown at the same altitude stepped- up - vertical separation of 1 -10 ft higher between lead and chalk 2 and each successive aircraft  stepped- down - vertical separation of 1 -10 ft lower between lead and chalk 2 and each successive aircraft; note trail aircraft will require more power to fly in this formation                                             FORMATION TYPES Fixed formations are used when more control is required. are useful for departure and arrival at LZs  Stagered Most common formation Echelon- good for dust/snow landings but severely limits flight maneuverability Trail Formation- most difficult fixed formation V- formation- restrict fire from inboard door guns Maneuvering Formations team combat cruise  flight combat cruise combat cruise right Optimum position is 45 degrees  combat cruise left combat trail- should not be used for extended periods of time or at night due to difficulty determining rates of closure combat spread- used for maximum obseration to the front   Aircraft Lighting     LITECON Description Anticollison visible position NAV lights Formation lights Cover IR pos lights If applicable 1 FAA-day white off off off 2 FAA-night Red  Bright Bright on 3 Night Form Off Dim Bright on 4 covert OFF/IR Off Covert on 5 total blackout off off off off   Hope this was helpful I will be posting the BCM Fundamentals in a few days again this is all be puled out of the FM-3-04 linked above. 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 12 at 10:02 pm

    Haha at least we had NVGs. I like doing mission at night it was a simple mission but it was a good. I actually think it would be a good training mission for new pilots. They could brief it like we did in the f10 and let them decide the firing point.

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 12 at 1:18 pm

    Yeah it was a great mission and terrifying at the same time.  Flying over water in pure darkness was really scary.  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debriefing Harmattan III Day 5.

    November 12 at 3:38 am

    Pilots: Eagle_Rising (Lead), Spider Pig, BaDCrC Flight Time: 1.5 FH (Night) Mission debrief: Success. Comms tower destroyed. Transformers 1 and 2 destroyed. 1 Shilka destroyed (Spider Pig). No aircraft lost. No damages. 1st attempt A bit too loose ingress formation flight. Perfect BP found by Eagle in the hills between Gelendzihk and Kabardinka. Targets spotted and all aircraft in position. I screwed up on the firing coordination as I pressed the firing button thinking it was the lasing one. Sorry. All targets destroyed but server crashed. 2nd attempt Much closer and better ingress formation flight. Same BP. Excellent firing coordination. All targets destroyed. 1 target of opportunity (Shilka) destroyed by Spider Pig. Regrouping above the Bullseye and egress formation flight to the ship. Formation flight has to be tighter since we were flying completely in the dark (no shore lights in sight to help us). Nice right hand pattern integration and landing. During the mission we were locked several times by the Osa unit at Novorrossiyk but never engaged. The BP chosen by Eagle prevented us also to be locked by the different Shilkas deployed in Kabardinka. Very good lead job as we never had to dodge enemy fire.   Short but fun and realistic mission. It took me 20 minutes to make. Thank you to Spider Pig and Eagle for this nice flight. Feedback/Screenshots welcome.

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 10 at 12:39 pm

    Explanation sent.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Univers Radio installation tutorial.

    November 10 at 5:24 am

     Hello BSD pilots. Just to make sure we are not all going through too much frustration with Univers Radio installation, I am creating this thread here to gather all the things you guys need to know, and the things we learnt to install and run this nice little piece of software, and the specifics for choppers. First good news, all the DCS choppers (Ka50, Mi8, SA342, UH-1H) are directly supported with full integration in the cockpit, so you don't need any external Univers Radio module like FC3 planes. You are controlling the radio frequencies and open channels directly from the cockpit switches. First, what you need to download: Obviously, you need DCS World but I won't even post a link here. An other obvious is the 64bits version of Teamspeak 3. Normally you have those libraries installed but just make sure that you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) Download the latest UniversRadio (UR): UniversRadio Download the Caucasus relief map v1 for UR to calculate the line of sight for the radios (trying to talk to someone too far and/or behind a mountain will become impossible) Optionally you can download the Nevada Test and Training Range relief map v1 to fly on Nevada map. Install UR exe file in admin mode (right click pop up menu). Install the relief maps in admin mode Run the new UniversRadio Control Panel. Install DCS export. Then select the button on your joystick for the PTT (Push to Talk). Since the last version, you must assign a button for PTT in order for UR to work in intercom mode with multicrew cockpit like the Gazelle one. With intercom, you don't need to press the PTT button, but you must do that as soon as you want to go through your radios to talk to someone outside. Hint: You can actually assign 3 different PTT buttons for the 3 radios, so when you press one of the 3 PTT assigned buttons of your joystick, you directly transmit on this particular radio. You can also assign 3 buttons to select a given radio with one same PTT for all. Personally, I have one of the hat selector on my warthog to select channels, then one button on my cyclic for PTT. Remember to click then on APPLY!!Just in case, verify that you are not on a Teamspeak anti flood account on BSD Teamspeak server. Normally you are not, but in case you are, contact me. You need to go launch TeamSpeak and click on the UniversRadio plug-in checkbox in settings/plug-ins to activate it. Once activated, quit TS then re launch it to make sure you have a new drop down menu from TS top menu with UniversRadio showing up.  Then you need to register on Login to with your new account and purchase a licence. Best is to use a paypal account as it is pretty fast. Cost is 6.99€ which is close to 7$. Once your payment is processed, you can generate a key based on your TS installation. You are allowed max 3 key generation per month. Latest Windows update for example required a new key generation. To generate a key, get your "Query key" from TeamSpeak client : Menu/Plugins/UniversRadio >> License. Enter this Query Key (copy paste) in the Licence generator and press Generate to get a UR key generated Enter the UR key generated in TeamSpeak client : Menu/Plugins/UniversRadio >> License and click apply.    I first found a not too bad video tutorial on how to install  {artsexylightbox youtube="AVVKVsyjCxw"}{/artsexylightbox}  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 10 at 1:59 am

    Wow. That's pretty unusual. You didn't even try. Well. I am disappointed.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 9 at 11:09 pm

    Are you sure you don't want to try flying with us tonight? today is our fun day nothing to serious.

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 9 at 1:32 pm

    Gentlemen, I regret to inform you I am no longer motivated to fly multiplayer anymore.  I hereby withdraw my application to the group.

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 8 at 8:14 pm

    @smil Thank you.  I will be there.

    8 years ago

  • -smil- replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 7 at 12:53 am

    Welcome RedRotor65.   Hope to see you Wednesday!   Cary -smil-

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 6 at 8:43 pm

    BadCrc, Okay, thank you.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 6 at 4:33 pm

    Red, Moved the training to wednesday 2100 E.S.T for you. I will send you the TS server details by PM.

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 6 at 2:09 pm

    @BadCrc Tuesday is a no go.  Any other day of the week is good.

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 6 at 3:09 am

    @BadCrc   Tuesday would probably work and Wednesdays I am usually available.  I just need a few days heads-up when a mission is to be flown so I can arrange or rearrange things in real life.  Let me double check and I'll get back to you tomorrow (Sunday). @Blackwolf  Thanks.  Flying Su-37 Flanker definitely shows how old we are.  :)

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 5 at 9:32 pm

    Hi, Red and welcome! I started with Su-27 Flanker back in the day as well. Looking forward to flying with you. BK

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 5 at 8:33 pm

    Hi RedRotar65! Thanks for this introduction. I think what you are looking for pretty much sums up what BSD is so I guess you should be enjoying this group. We are looking for mission designers too. Ranger79 is one of the mission designer guru because he can create missions that include several different DCS modules, fixed and rotary together, and that's a pretty difficult task. We are doing chopper only coop missions, no fixed wings, so the mission design is easier and quicker. We are trying to fly twice a week, although there is no obligation as we all have a real life with family. One informal/training flight and one mission if possible. The 'fun' flight is opened to all pilots who wish to fly any kind of choppers. The 'serious' coop mission should be flown by pilots who are completely fluent with the types available in the said mission. Would you be available Tuesday or Wednesday this coming week to fly with us? 

    8 years ago

  • RedRotar65 created new topic Application for RedRotar65.

    November 5 at 2:24 am

    Call Sign: Red Age: 51 Internet Connection and speed: Broadband at 50.0 down and 5.0 up. Timezone: CST, USA Language: American English Availability: Mondays, Wednesdays other days depending on real life and family demands and commitments. Hours in DCS: My very first computer back in 1995 had my very first computer game installed called Su-27 Flanker by some obscure Russian firm named Eagle Dynamics. I still have the original CD disc and manuals from that wonderful introduction to computer flight simming. From there I grew into the orignal Lock-On and continued to be a fan of the series which we all know is now known as DCS World. How many hours of flying DCS? Good question but I would say conservatively hundreds of hours since 1995. I would hazard to guess I put in approximately 3-12 hours a week depending on real life or if I'm flying something else like IL-2 Flight Sim. I also enjoy X-Plane 10 where you guessed it, I prefer to fly the helicopters. I do enjoy flying the fast movers in DCS and have done so a lot but really have found myself in love with the rotarwing machines. I do own many of the DCS modules. I have what I call DCS Lite F-15C, Su- 27, Su-25A. I also own the A-10C module and the Mirage 2000C, Mig-15bis and F-86F Sabre. I've spent many, many hours in the Ka-50, quite a few with the Mi-8, equally with the Huey and now for the past few months have been focussing more on the superb Gazelle variants we have in DCS. I can't say I love one over the other but rather love them all depending on what type of flying mood I'm in and what I want to do in the mission editor, fly recon? Fly transport or air assault missions? Fly gunship? That determines what I'm flying at the moment. I fly them all and enjoy the different characteristics of each one and how one might simulate their uses in the real world on our virtual battlefields. The Bo- 105 will be a first day purchase for me. I have been in and out of DCS Multiplayer over the years, but tend to spend most of my time in the mission editor getting creative and seeing what I can do and learn in that superb creative tool. I have wanted to find a group of mature sim pilots to fly online with where we try and simulate real world operations on a regular basis and just have fun doing it. I also want to learn from others how they might do things in the mission editor etc. Share our passion of this beautiful hobby. Mission Editor experience: I spend most of my time in the mission editor but would not consider myself to have missions which are considered of high quality like say Ranger79 Productions missions. I do know and use triggers, plenty of randomization in the mission and use the editor to give good atmosphere with respect to the flying conditions. I consider myself weak in briefings and radio text messaging trying to simulate radio comms in the mission. Preferred Chopper: Don't really have a preference. I love them all. And as I've mentioned previously, what I fly depends on what I want to experience at that time in the simulation. I do know this, I will get all the helicopter modules that DCS World offers. They are just too much fun to fly. I particularly enjoy flying down low in the mud amongst the weeds. Something about it and frankly it gives you a whole new perspective on the maps we have. Personally, would love to someday see modules for the Mi-24 Hind, Apache Alpha, Blackhawk, and a good European transport like the Puma or something. Like to see balance in the modules so when I feel like flying red, I can make realistic scenarios and when I feel like blue, can do so there as well. Like to simulate, experience the different designs concepts for the NATO/RUS machines. Why am I looking at your group? I am looking to put in multiplayer flying time with people who are as enthusiastic as myself about flight sims and in particular about helicopters. I'm looking for people to help me get better with the mission editor and perhaps help them as well. I'm looking at learning about real world helicopter operations from possbily real world pilots or at least those more knowledgable about that than me. I want to experience an organized, structured form of multiplayer flying in missions designed as such in a cooperative environment. I'm looking for the ShackTac of DCS World. Sincerely, RedRotar65

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu videos about choppers.

    November 4 at 9:02 pm

    Youtube has a BBC series called Flying Solider that documents Gazelle pilots. Another great series is called Jet Stream, while not helicopter related - its a great series on F/A-18 pilot training.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu videos about choppers.

    November 1 at 1:23 pm

    Netflix has an episode from a show called helicopter missions. the episode is about a pretty cool story from Vietnam  also Black Hawk down which is a great movie. they used actual 160th crews and helicopters some of the crews in the film were the same crews from Mogadishu    Thats all I can think of right now     

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Netflix/Amazon Prime/Hulu videos about choppers.

    November 1 at 3:06 am

    All those V.O.D services are filled with thousands of free movies/documentaries of unequal quality (often poor), but sometimes you can find some interesting ones. It just takes some time to browse through all the offer. If you got one or several of those V.O.D services, please post here whatever helicopter related stuff you came across and watched and share your opinion. On Amazon Prime video:The Trap : A short documentary about the Afghan war during the soviet invasion, as seen from both sides. Some nice shots of Mi-8 and Mi-24 operations.Elite Choppers: A bit too long documentary about military choppers: the usual Apache, Blackhawks, Cobra, CH53 and... BO-105 (?). Nice shots although the story line is a bit weird.First Flights Season 2: Starring Neil Amstrong. Season 2 ep. 2 and ep. 9 deal with helicopter from the first flight in 1907 to the turbine powered ones, showcasing (in ep2) a gazelle at the end! Really good.   

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Mission Editing: Full video tutorials by Ranger79.

    October 27 at 5:06 am

    Another nice doc for the mission editor:  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission (2nd round).

    October 26 at 2:03 am

    Agreed. This freaking T-55 pretty much screwed up this mission twice this week. I just removed it for the next times.

    8 years ago

  • ShuRugal replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission (2nd round).

    October 25 at 9:30 pm

    Definitely would have liked to have a second experienced KA-50 pilot along for that one.  With only one heavy-hitter, it is very difficult to maintain good SA while keeping pressure on the enemy.   Also, that reinforcement convoy was pure evil: the AI is way too good at using anti-tank guns as anti-helicopter guns, the T-55 is as dangerous to a helicopter as the BMP-2.  I'd honestly rather deal with a Strela truck than a T-55.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debrief Prison Break mission (2nd round).

    October 24 at 4:17 am

    Pilots: Eagle_Rising, BaDCrC, Shurugal, SpiderPigFlight Time: 2,5 hours Mission video available (thanks Eagle): Hip flying above the enemy training camp after it got heavily hit by our group Summary: Well, the mission was not a huge success overall for several reasons: Bigger firepower was required, so minimum 2 Ka-50 along with Spider's Gazelle. No need for 2 Mi-8 until we got this minimum fire power Triggers didn't totally work as expected. Some of them went out of control actually. So a lot of things happened at the same time while we were really low on firepower (Gazelle shot down, Ka50 heavily damaged). I am not too sure why. I drove the Angel group directly into enemy fire while trying to head to the extraction points, resulting in the loss of the two Hips.  The moment we lost all choppers, we kinda lost any coordination, each of us trying to fly back to the EA as fast as possible. So we never get to a point where we could properly coordinate again a new assault. Both Angels got a quite strange total engines failure within 5 minutes of each other. Eagle was able to autorot safely (not me!) and try to restart the engines, but there was no oil pressure anymore. Possible transmission failure for both of us? Or did we pulled too much on the engines at this altitude? (9000 ft) Formation flight on our way to EA. Ingress was difficult to to the terrain and the numerous AA groups hiding at every corner Ingress to EA was made difficult by the terrain and the multiple AA units on the way. We chose to use again Ingress 1 route. Intel gave us the position of the enemy units in the Pskhu village, but it was also giving the position of the units after this village. One gazelle lost at the village, but the units were destroyed. Beautiful rocket pass from Shurugal on the AA group west of the village further down the East-West valley. We were able to ingress further enemy territory, flying next to the Bzib mountains then climbing to 9000ft to the plateau were the camp was.  Shurugal single-handedly taking out all the reinforcement convoy. Then taking out VIP jeeps trying to escape. All with half a Ka-50. Special thanks and medal of honor to Shurugal, who, with a heavily damaged aircraft, maintained his support and single-handedly destroyed the incoming reinforcement convoy with his gun while in range of a shilka, then spotted the 3 jeeps with VIP on board trying to escape the camp to the south and shot them with Vikhrs. All with half a Ka-50. He finally continued to hammer the enemy training camp, ejected over the camp, escaped capture to provide by radio targeting information to the remaining helicopters. Shurugal was able to hide inside the camp to avoid capture, and keep providing targeting guidance and fire assessment to the remaining choppers  Nonetheless, unlike for the first round, all the objectives were completed: 1 of the group of POW were successfully extracted back to Russia,  VIP was killed and training camp was almost completely leveled out. The ugly face of the war; death, destruction and blood  Angels waiting for SAR while the two Redwolves are dealing with the AA threats inside the camp Only 2 choppers made it back to the FARP later this day. But POWs were brought back.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 22 at 10:44 pm

    Hey bk I am free all next week name a time and date and we can practice whatever you want 

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 21 at 9:38 pm

    That sound like a plan Bad, as I said I think I got a little overzealous with the other choppers and bit off more than I could chew. I can fly them but I haven't learned how too. That just ended up making it harder on me. So Ka-50 for missions and the Hip for practice. Then I can move on and I wont feel like I'm holding up the mission or just failing to complete one. You're right I should have taken the Ka-50. Well, from what I saw it did look like a great mission!

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 21 at 3:54 pm

    Well, I would hate to see you leave BK. You're a regular on the missions and we don't have so much pilots flying every missions like you. I think you should indeed fly with the helicopter you are the most familiar with for missions. If you have a lot of experience on the Ka50, use it for the missions, and use the other ones during our training/fun flights. Those training flights will definitively help you to get ready for the missions later. I am pretty sure you would have been great with the Ka50 on this difficult mission. I know you like the Mi-8 too so let's do some firing practices with it on the range, and let's fly the mountain rescue one too. Once you are becoming confident with these two types of flight, you should be ready for a mission in Mi-8. 

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 21 at 12:55 am

    I have been doing some thinking and soul searching. For now I will restrict myself to the Ka-50 if I ever fly another mission. I do not have the time in, nor training to effectively use any other chopper in any mission we do. I don't know how to use the Hip weapons at all. Yeah, I know RTFM..but RL has taken away my time this month to do so. Last night was the first time I've flown in more than week or so. And it was BAD. I had posted to Bad on the ED forums before I joined that I didn't think I was good enough to do on line flights and maybe it was me being overzealous and getting all the other choppers and trying to fly them when it took me a year or more learn to fight with the Ka-50. If all I do is show up at mission time, delay the flight, then crash over and over what good am I to the squad? I'm am disappointed in my performance in choppers, I still have a fixed wing mentality ( remember the Huey nose dive from 4000 ft, break the Jesus nut..spin the rotor off and lawn dart?) The transition from fixed wing to rotors is a lot harder than I thought. So far I have built only one mission that was lame at best..I have one working but its not done,triggers wont work and I have very limited time to work on it if at all. You all have been very helpful in showing me the ropes and what to do or not to do. Eagle has spent more than a few free flight Tuesdays trying to coach me. Thanks for that. I used to CO a bomber squad 15 members strong and if a guy was having issues staying in formation or handling his aircraft he would be sent to retraining to fix it or figure out if it was a controller issue. If that didn't help or if he didn't improve he was, cut from the team. Now I feel I'm in that position. I would have washed me out a few months ago. I enjoy the on line comradery and making new friends, that's why I only play on line for most games other than Silent hunter. I see and understand that if I can't help the squad out or the mission to move forward on any given night then I'm just taking up space. I like all of you guys and think of all you as my friends but I'm seriously considering turning in my wings and calling it a day.  BK

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 20 at 4:25 pm

    That was an awesome mission once we got rolling with it. I think the first flight was a wake up call all of us getting shot down within in minutes of each other.   I uploaded some raw footage on the facebook page of the first flight my replay got off track before we got to the camp so I have no footage from that. Heavy AAA MI-8 shootdown I had a lot of fun on the second part of the mission. Having to do a SAR mission when you are already bingo fuel is probably more nerve racking than enemy fire. It was also a good exercise to see how long you can actually fly with min fuel. I think on future missions we should try to plan out how much fuel we need and give ourselves just a small reserve. also Bad there at the end I had lost both engines that was a full auto rotation. anyway it was good flying with you Smil I hope to get to fly with you some more.  

    8 years ago

  • -smil- replied to the topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 20 at 1:23 pm

    Thanks very much for having me! The mission was very fun and I've forgotten how much I enjoy doing this. My time zone was off and I arrived an hour early, logging in and out until the proper mission time. Met Eagle Rising, Bad CrC and Blackwolf on TS for the excellent briefing. Went through startup, take off and assembly. I had one hardware issue in the cockpit with the Data link Power switch and then noted my LEDS were blinking intermittingly from Phidgets card #1. Kept quiet about it and continued on. Heard much laughter coming from Blackwolf as we regrouped once or twice, then flew through our checkpoint to cross the border. More laughter, then a report of CFIT (controlled flight into terrain). Dealing with the Ka-50 under those conditions was very tough and those inertia swings it has kept my hands full. Group cohesion could be improved by using flight configurations like "cruise", "best climb", ect. and sticking to them when possible in the flight plan. Perhaps we can discus it and come up with some through practice. The high targeting angle was a tough new thing for me to deal with and I will improve at it. I note that when Bad CrC sent me target data on my ABRIS, it was shown as very far away. This is why I had so much trouble at first. Perhaps we can see if matching ABRIS zoom levels can help prevent this(?). I will improve on all my aspects of combat. I was in a terrible position and made a dumb move that got me blasted in the first sortie. I am a one-life-to-live type of guy and will avoid that at all costs in the future. Second sortie went better and attacks on the training camp were successful in releasing some prisoners. The convoy arrived and my laser locked on #2 vehicle instead of the lead tank, which then launched a rocket at me. I evaded but took a hit and lost HUD and Shkval. I was still able to get some cannon rounds on targets, but took more hits and my left engine caught fire, then disintegrated. I was able to eject, a horrifying experience in the KA-50! Eagle Rising did a great landing on the very steep slope for my rescue and RTB. Seeing him deadstick that Mi-8 was worth the price of admission! I look forward to taking part again. I will be able to fill positions and lead a flight if and when needed. I learned a lot about what I need to focus on. Great meeting everyone!   Cary -smil-

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 20 at 5:29 am

    Hey BK, thanks for you effort to properly package this mod. It is now on the BSD repository for BSD forum. You guys using OvGME should be able to download it. 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debrief Prison Break mission and welcome to -Smil-!.

    October 20 at 5:14 am

    Angels and Redwolves ready to take off from FARP early morning. Pilots: -smil-, BaDCrC, BlackWolf, Eagle-RisingFlight time: 3 hours Mission:This mission combined about all the difficulties you can face in a chopper mission: high altitude, cold, heavy load, mountain flying and lot of bad guys around each corners. Congratulation to -Smil- for his first flight with BSD. Usually, we have a quiet evaluation one with no threats, next to the sea on a flat area. Today was the toughest introduction flight ever so far and you did great. Very happy to have you with us. You are now a trainee. I am looking forward to fly again often with you. Some technical problems with BK's Mi-8 delayed a bit the mission but once the mechanics finally gave him a new aircraft, BK was back on track.We got the first village handled all right with one Shilka down. But I missed the Zu-23 on Ural a little bit further and sent -Smil- at canon range to deal with the remaining infantry. Luckily for him, he escaped the Zu 23 shots and I could cover him quickly by taking down the Ural. We then moved to the East-West valley and got engaged by another AA. Eagle did the right thing and moved back to the green sector while Redwolves headed to the west side of the valley and got engaged by another AA unit that shoot me down and damaged -Smil-. Eagle tried to cover us but got damaged too and beautifully handled an auto-rotation down the valley. Remember to scan around the threat area before closing in. Eagle is heading back to green sector after being shot at by a AAA unit. Reds heading straight into another AAA unit to avoid the first one. Big mistake! We all had to start back from the FARP, which is good since it allowed BK to rejoin the flight as he got lost in the mountains. If you got lost, remember to use the F10 view. If you are loosing sight on your leader in a formation , tell him immediately. Don't wait for him to loose sight on you too. We all took off back to EA. Reds were able to take down the AA unit on the Eastern part of the valley and we all moved to the training camp up the plateau in the middle of the Bzib mountains. Sadly, BK didn't managed properly his speed/rate of climb ratio and crashed into a slope while attempting to fly back down the valley. There's always a trade off to find between forward speed ad vertical speed. It is called the max climb rate speed and varies according to the chopper used. We had to finish the mission with 3 aircraft as it was too late for BK to start over again. The camp was quickly spotted and we were able to neutralize with the Reds the guards and watch towers around the prison cells pretty quickly. The east wall was then breached by the POWs and 5 of them escaped the complex to an extraction point a few hundred yards from the camp where Eagle picked them up under cover of the Reds. Primary mission successful.In the mean time, a reinforcement convoy showed up 5km south west of the camp and damaged -Smil- helicopter while he was taking out the Shilka at the end of the convoy. I was able to take out the rest of the convoy as -Smil- lost Shkval and HUD. The VIP target used this moment to jump in a car and drive through at high speed. No Reds were able to find him once outside the camp and he successfully escaped. Secondary assassination mission failed. Eagle and myself made a few rockets and gun pass on the camp to inflict maximum damage but someone in the camp was able to jump into a T55 which started to shoot his .50 mm caliber machine gun at us. We both took some hits as we took out this tank. My Ka-50 started to progressively loose the SAS channels one by one then the main and common hydro. Since Eagle was winchester and -Smil- not able to contiue combat, we decided to RTB. Unfortunately, the too heavy damages of -Smil- chopper made him ejected over enemy territory. The end of the mission became a SAR mission to find the crashing site and where -Smil- ejected. From the ground, he was able to give us directions and Eagle's Mi-8 was able to pick him up in an incredible slope landing. Fun fact if we were using UniversRadio: when ejected, the pilot can only communicate to the aircraft through his emergency portable radio on 121.5Mhz We were starting to run low on fuel. We took a direct route to the egress one (Delta checkpoint) and made it back to the FARP with only 3 to 5 minutes left of fuel on board the Mi-8 (Eagle kept flying once the POW safely disembarked, and finaly landed back with only one engine still running on fumes). It was really fun. The mission overall worked great. There are room for more choppers, up to 3 angels and 5 Ka-50. This could give us a very nice firepower that we didn't have completely this evening with only two Ka-50. I had a lot of fun flying it with you guys. Thanks for your cooperation. Please share YOUR experience in this thread. BaDCrC 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 20 at 12:39 am

    Sure. I think we'll have a Gazelle week next week with one fun flight and one mission. Probably back to Gelendzhik.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 19 at 9:01 pm

    Here is a OVGME link or JSGME if you still use that. Tested and works. HERE  Bad, if you can load it up to the Mod section..Test it first make sure I did it right! :P I think its ok. Works for me.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    October 18 at 3:14 am

    My new patch for my pilot bag. Made me think about you Eagle!

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Mission Editing: Full video tutorials by Ranger79.

    October 15 at 3:21 am

    Very nice!

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Mission Editing: Full video tutorials by Ranger79.

    October 13 at 10:20 pm

    Love Rangers video's, that's what I used to "remember" how to use the ME.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 13 at 10:14 pm

    Ah, I have to learn to fly this thing! I saw the thread over at ED while ya'll were working on it. As if its not hard enough to get used to.. here is more weapons and weight! :P It look like a blast though. Ok bad pun, I know. BK

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 13 at 9:40 pm

    So hook actually used to load hellfires on apaches so he actually corrected the weight in Dcs to reflect real weight. And while it would be awesome to carry 16, the gazelle wouldn't get off the ground. 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 13 at 3:43 pm

    As long as weight is properly simulated for the extra weapons. Even though they probably never flew with tows or hellfires I wouldn't be surprised. 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    October 13 at 2:20 pm

    Impressive work. One can feel the love and commitment put into this :)

    8 years ago

  • Brain replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 12 at 5:40 pm

    As I see it this is the mod for people who define success by numbers. More missiles -> more kills -> more success.The Gazelle might not have the fire power but it has a 2nd seat, thermal imaging, useful RWR and IR a2a missiles. It's a very different flavor compared to the KA and as such missions should be designed to take advantage of these features.I had a night mission once with a random Gazelle pilot doing an excellent job detecting targets and relaying their position. Only one example of how the different pieces can fit together.Only for training to reduce the amount of trips back to the FARP I'll make an exception.

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 10 at 11:19 pm

    The weapons are all rated to work up to 4300 meters. But some can work at rarther ranges at the right scenarios. The TOW4 is limited by the wire to 4300 though. The hellfire seems to have issues beyond 4500. The vickers I've had success with firing a little beyond 5000 by aiming at the base of the vehicle. More work is going to be done to improve these in the future.  The initla goal goal was to get more weapons on the gazelle that will work within it range.  If we can extend the range in the future we will. 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Mission Editing: Full video tutorials by Ranger79.

    October 10 at 8:47 pm

    Pretty awesome job available on youtube from Ranger79. Everything you need to create great missions. No more excuses!   DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #1: Getting Started {artsexylightbox youtube="nyqLRnY8yuI"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #2: Mission Editor Interface {artsexylightbox youtube="K8RB-AhUUZ8"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #3: Unit Placement {artsexylightbox youtube="NEHNEzZcBng"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #4: Trigger Movement; Vehicle Movement {artsexylightbox youtube="3n9Whx1xL28"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #5: Add Radio Item & Mission Goals {artsexylightbox youtube="vua4qH4Fv2c"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #6: Randomization & Emission Trigger {artsexylightbox youtube="QRKdRFuNhe8"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building - Tutorial Video #7: Mission Testing and Final Adjustments {artsexylightbox youtube="QlHs5KYDxOY"}{/artsexylightbox} DCS World Mission Building Quickie Tutorial - Converting Voice Files for DCS {artsexylightbox youtube="Aa_L40JPFzM"}{/artsexylightbox}

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 10 at 8:10 pm

    I can see a lot of benefits from having the smoke rockets indeed, for a recon chopper.As for the other weapons, although it is certainly pretty fun, I understood the weapons limitations are still the same ones than the original weapons, i.e you can't shoot a hellfire or a vikhr beyond 4300m? But having 8 or 12 missiles will certainly help to stay hot a little bit longer than with 4 TOWs. I'll upload the file on the BSD repository for ovGME.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 10 at 8:06 pm

    SA342M -4 to 8 AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles (Outer stations 1 & 2 only) -6 to 12 VIKHR ATGMs (Outer stations 1 & 2 only) -4 to 8 BGM-71 TOWS -Lau 7 Smoke rockets  -FAB-100 Bombs (all stations) -SAB-100 Flares (all stations) SA342L -M151 Hydra Rockets x 19, HE -M151 Hydra Rockets x 19 WP -S-8 Series rockets -UB-32 Rocket pods SA342 Mistral (Positioning of these stores may have some clipping, and this is meant to be mostly for fun   -AIM-9X -Magix II -R-60M -R-73 Additional goodies:  U.S. Army OH-16 Arapaho Livery (Thanks to Skyknight) FALCON Defense Livery (Fictional Defense Security Contractor)

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig created new topic Gazelle Weapon Expansion Mod.

    October 10 at 10:15 am

    Been working with community members to create this mod and it's in it's first release:   Should make the Gazelle a little more powerful when flying with the KA-50's.

    8 years ago

  • -smil- replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    October 9 at 12:00 pm

    Bad CrC, I'm trying to learn my way around the site here, but I am locked out of the Library and training info. I truly miss flying with humans.  :)   Cary

    8 years ago

  • -smil- replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    October 6 at 12:39 pm

    Thank you Eagle Rising. Good to go now.

    8 years ago

  • -smil- replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    October 4 at 5:38 pm

    Can you please PM the TS info to me.... want to get it connected to the server.   thanks

    8 years ago

  • Brain replied to the topic Debrief Hostages Rescue mission.

    October 4 at 2:24 pm

    First thing: I missed the briefing because TS was muted (habit, was warming up) and only then somebody dropped me a message. I did read the briefing hours before and it wasn't anything complicated but a quick refresh would have been nice. People on TS are probably waiting for something, so just poke in the future.I was hoping for a more experienced No. 2 so I could observe and learn, that's why I asked for a slot in the back. It was up to me to take the initiative and respond to a fuel call later, responding in sequence mostly wasn't a thing. On the other hand I missed the call to fan out and recon the LZ (not to mention my issues on the ramp and forgetting the de-ice). Shu lifted most of the weight here and recon + planning went smoothly.No.2 was probably going in too low for the initial strike, a mistake I would be making later as well, because NOE is what choppers are made for .. right? Still, the attack went rather smoothly. I was terrain masked on the MANPADs which Red 1 took care of. Shortly after I was cleaning up small arms on the surrounding hilltops. In the process Red 3 got shot down and Red 1 had to fall back to the FARP, which left me in charge.There was some confusion about some triggers not working so I wasn't sure about the gameplan. Angel was falling back so my instinct was to stick to them, even after the refugee convoy was spotted. "RTB, don't crash and hope somebody else takes command". When the first wave of vehicles appeared I rushed back but had already lost some altitude. I did find them very quickly ... when they popped over a ridge a few KM in front of me. Loosing engine power I had to fall back as well but wasn't able to repair. I did eventually respawn but only to clean up from a save distance.I think it's a really nice mission. Flight conditions are a bit challenging and you end up flying circles in this cauldron of mountains. Shu did a really good job getting us through. It was a failure in the end but at least for me that's some lessons learned.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debrief Hostages Rescue mission.

    October 3 at 10:39 pm

    Looked like fun I'm wish I could have made it but you can't really pass up flying for especially when you're getting paid for it ? I'm not flying this week so I need my fix so hopefully we can do a mission even though Bad isn't going to be here. 

    8 years ago

  • spike replied to the topic Debrief Hostages Rescue mission.

    October 3 at 8:43 pm

    It was a fun flight, even if we failed miserably, died, and caused the deaths of all the hostages.  I probably shouldn't have flow the Mi-8 since it was only my third time in the cockpit, but trial by fire is the best way, right?  Nothing like setting up the HOTAS in mid-flight and googling the anti-ice switches in this Russian cockpit (and that's my excuse for my sometimes poor formation flying....yeah, that's it...).   ShuRugal was brilliant in leading the flight, and the only time I didn't know what was going on was when I being shot down.  As always, my thanks for everyone and their patience while I learn how to fly with other human beings.  It's completely different from single player, and in a good way.   On to the pics: I don't know if it was Molevitch or Brain, but one of the Ka-50s had some serious issues starting up...   Attempting some formation flying with Bad:   Landed at the Forming Up Point to allow the Black Sharks to reconnoiter the target area:   After dodging all sorts of AAA, I landed at the spot where I hoped that last truck in the distance had some of the hostages:   Turns out that "truck" was a "tank" with a "really big gun"   I died shortly thereafter, and respawned to learn that all the hostages were dead.  So I watched Bad make a smooth, controlled descent with his Mi-8 to a perfect landing.  Pretty much the exact opposite of my landings in the Mi-8   I had fun...thanks again everyone for the good times!    

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    October 3 at 2:11 pm

    Hi Smil! I'll be travelling this whole week, back on Friday night.You can give a shout on the shoutbox if you want to fly this week or enroll in a mission if someone propose one. Until then , I'll be working on my next mission and let you know when it is ready. Also, we are trying to have some very informal fun flights once a week so you are most welcome to join.

    8 years ago

  • -smil- replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    October 3 at 11:48 am

    Sorry, was still getting settled in. First couple days after retiring threw me for a loop. It affects you in ways you don't think about but I am getting back to normal. Just so you know... you go from the happiest day of your life to feeling like someone died. I'm told it is normal and it passes. Tuesday evening should be a good day for a start.   I've got the pit running well with 1.5 and 2.0. If you don't mind me saying, it is friggin wonderful! DCS is running pretty well for me. I still miss SoftTH, but I'm running full textures and it looks great! Three year old system still impresses. I have TS loaded and working, just need to verify my volumes with someone. I'll be in and out with the ToDo list, but I will plan on flying in any events I can from now on. Anyone wants to take  a free flight, just let me know. I practice in the VA public server mostly.   Thanks! Sorry to miss Sunday, I look forward to taking part now.   -smil- Cary

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debrief Hostages Rescue mission.

    October 3 at 6:18 am

    A few more screenshots.I made some corrections to the mission and uploaded it in the library by the way. Sunrise takeoff of Angels while Rewolves are getting ready Airborne. Heading 277 to W1 Leaving Vaziani CTR on a cold and foggy morning Got this formation flight almost nailed this time! Angel 2 down. Angel 1 flaring while a SAM is taking another shot. Little the SAM knows that a Vikhr is already on its way for him. Escorting Angel flight to EA from Kapel FARP.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debrief Hostages Rescue mission.

    October 3 at 12:10 am

    Pilots: Shurugal (KA50 leader)/Spike (Mi-8)/Brain (Ka-50)/Molevitch (Ka-50)/BaDCrC (Mi-8)Mission time: 3 hours (remember to log them in your logbook) Starting up in the cold early morning at Vaziani airport. Mission debrief:First of all, congrats to all the pilots who all showed a pretty good knowledge and experience of their aircraft. The mission was not easy as it involved combat at high altitude with a very significant risk of icing. Not only you guys had to deal with enemy fire, but also you had to manage your engines pushed to the max and weight+fuel. In addition, with 5 helicopters on the frequency and no specific comm plan, there was a high potential for total chaos on the radio. And that didn't happen. Wow. Special mention to Shurugal, who not only volunteered to lead the flight, but actually did it at a master class level. Shurugal, your radio procedures were impressive and I believe this helped a lot to maintain discipline on the frequency. It also helped the pilots with no previous MP experience to work together in a coordinated manner. Starting up and taxiing went great. Proper procedures were followed and we were all able to meet at the W1 10 minutes later. 116km of navigation to the Engagement Area with a stop over in the middle to pick up the commandos at FARP Torba Navigation was lead by Shurugal and the Mi-8 had no specific issue to follow at 200 kph. Angel 1 & 2 were able to pick up troops at Torba while the Ka50 were orbiting above, then resumed navigation to Farp Kapel. FARP Kapel was used as a regroup point to rearm/refuel. MI-8 were left at the FARP to let the 3 Ka50 time to ingress to EA and do some recon. Once the targets spotted and shared on the datalink, the Redwolves came back to  escort the Angels to the extraction point. Targets were engaged at the same time the angels were dropping the troops with a pretty good coordination. Sadly, one of the enemy targets had been missed and a MANPADS SA-18 hit Angel 2 while both Angels were approaching drop off. Angel 2 survived and crash landed. MANPADS was takn care off pretty quickly, and this allowed Angel 1 to pick up the Angel 2 crew and take them back to FARP Kapel where a spare Mi-8 was waiting for them. During this time, hostages reached the pickup point but had to wait for the 2 angels to come back from the Farp. This is when the shit started to be real as nearby terro camp started to send some reinforcements. First with a Northbound convoy made of BMPs, T55 and Zu23 on Ural, then a second convoy Southbound with about the same type of armament. Redwolves started to get engaged from the Northbound convoy as some of the KA-50 got too close to the EA. And we started to see some hits. Red 3 on his way back for repair after direct hit from one of the ENY convoy while Angel flight is hurrying to extraction point At some point, there was not enough cover for the hostages and although the Southbound convoy was finally processed, the Northbound convoy got close enough to start to engage the hostages. One T55 made it to the hostages and slaughter everyone left. It was too late for the Mi-8 when flying back to the pick up area to pick up anyone. It was decided to leave the area and land at FARP Kapel. Survivors made it back to Kapel FARP. IN the background, the infamous Samsari mountains where the tragedy happened So we failed to bring back our hostages, but the mission overall was a pretty good one. I really enjoyed it as it went very well. No major bugs (except this script error I made with the commandos on the drop off point) and the missing message that all hostages were killed. Thanks again to all the pilots who did really well. Thanks to Shurugal for his brilliant leadership on this mission. We'll fly it again and hopefully succeed this time. Let me know what you think about it, share your screenshots and your ideas to improve the experience at BSD.

    8 years ago

  • Molevitch replied to the topic Calling for missions!.

    October 2 at 5:07 pm

    Hi All,Well, I want to build some missions, but feel very conscious of my inexperience doing it. Then when I try, I in into that thing, "What do I do now, how do I get this to happen?" etc. plus I have not found much time recently. Next week I have some free time in daylight hours, so I will try. btw, for me being uk based, 4pm est is great starting time, so if I do a mission, it will be proposed to start at that time, I guess on a Sunday for everyone else's benefit.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Calling for missions!.

    October 2 at 1:57 am

    OK. I re-organized the library again and added in the restricted section a Missions Library with all the missions+briefings. I also added a Mission Editor section.

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Calling for missions!.

    October 1 at 2:29 am

    Yes, BaD, please post your old missions on the website.  Also, everyone, don't forget all Multiplayer missions end up getting saved as a Track (.trk) file in your Saved Games folder.  You can load it up in the mission editor and replay it single player, or use it to learn, or edit to create other missions.   To get more missions, there's nothing wrong with re-flying a past mission also.  But thanks for pointing out we can also find and propose we fly a mission someone else created and posted online.   Regarding re-flying past missions, another option for people that want to quickly create a mission is to take a previous mission and change it up and then re-fly it. Say move it to a different valley or town, but otherwise, keep the same units, triggers, etc.  A little plagiarizing can go a log way.  :-) As for my own mission design, I'm the kind of person that starts slow because I like to play and try things, but I eventually become an expert because of it.  I hope to do a lot of mission design work this weekend.  Once I start releasing missions, they will likely start coming out more quickly.  So I'm looking forward to reaching that point. Regards,Michael

    8 years ago

  • spike replied to the topic Calling for missions!.

    October 1 at 12:32 am

    I would love to see some of the previous missions for a couple of reasons.  If there are a few people online and we decide to have a spur-of-the-moment flight, it would be great to have a library from which to pull missions.  The other reason is to see what kinds of missions there are and how they're done.  It's been awhile since I created missions and I'm having to relearn a lot of the basics.  It helped a ton to just look at my old missions and triggers and see what I did.  I have no idea how to create larger missions, so I would love to see some of the ones that you guys have flown.  I also don't know where to announce any kind of mission, especially if I'm just looking for some guinea pigs to help test the MP aspect of it.  I pinged you directly for my first mission, Bad, but I don't want to do that all the time (unless you just love the abuse). :)

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic Calling for missions!.

    September 30 at 9:55 am

    I think it's a good idea.  I got some ideas about missions I want to create to it'll give me a good excuse to do it.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Calling for missions!.

    September 30 at 2:06 am

    Hi guys, OK, so BSD is now 7 months old and I think 99% of the missions flown were proposed by me. It's OK because I really enjoy making missions, but if we want to sustain the '1 mission' per week objective (or 1 fun mission + 1 serious one per week), we do need to have more volunteers to propose missions. This is becoming a bit more critical lately because I have to travel a lot in the coming weeks. Next week for example will be dead quiet if you guys are waiting after me.I purposely use the term 'propose missions' instead of 'create missions' as the objective for BSD is not about creating missions but flying missions to keep everyone happy and busy. I know that creating missions takes a bit of time when you are not completely fluent in the Mission Editor. I know there are several pilots that are working on one too. Helicopters missions are a bit specific compared to fixed wing ones, so it's kinda easier to create missions as you can make sure they should be flyable with a reasonable threat level and distances to fly. Nonetheless, if you are feeling completely incompetent in mission editing, this does not mean you cannot propose missions created by others (like UH-1H Tactical Air Assault COOP by eight ball). I am also thinking to create a section of the website where I will upload the missions I already created if you guys want to fly them again. What do you think?

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Briefing [Mi-8/Ka-50] Hostages Rescue (Sunday Afternoon!).

    September 30 at 1:12 am

    We'll see. But we definitively need to have more than 2 rotaries otherwise the mission is doomed.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    September 29 at 10:41 pm

    Hi Smil! Glad to see you finally joining us! Seriously, we don't really need to check you out so do you want to join us for Sunday's afternoon mission?

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Application for -smil-.

    September 29 at 2:07 am

    Glad to see you again -Smil-, and thanks for the FB groups too! Bad or Eagle will be along to set up a flight with you. I would but I'm out of town for work the rest of the week. So our reunion in the sky will have to wait. Oh I found the S3 scores from way back. The site is still up! Welcome sir and looking forward to getting in the air with you again soon. BK

    8 years ago

  • -smil- created new topic Application for -smil-.

    September 28 at 1:22 pm

    Hello, real name is Cary. -smil- is pronounced "smile".   Call Sign: -smil- Age: 56 Connection: is pretty good, Comcast upgraded version. No tests run lately. Timezone: CST Availability: Retiring in three days. If I'm here, I'll fly. DCS Time: 'Been thinking in Russian since '95 and Flanker. Own a 90% functioning Ka-50 pit, the only DCS aircraft I fly. They fix a Ka-50 bug, I swear I'll buy every module they make! I forgot a lot about DCS, but it is coming back. ME Experience: Limited. I am weeks to months away from making missions, but I will. Chopper: Ka-50. Why.. why... WHY? I always wanted to fly with Bad CrC. Serendipity brought him to my country one timezone away and it is just meant to be. I enjoy every aspect of flight with the Ka-50, especially non-combat flight, as you may be seeing in my missions I build. I once flew and have a non-current PPL. No worries though, I'll sling those weapons wherever I'm told. I l o v e formation flight. I love flying as a wingman and I look forward to starting at the bottom in training. I held every position in a squadron, in a career lasting over 10 years, now flying sims for 21 years.  

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Briefing [Mi-8/Ka-50] Hostages Rescue (Sunday Afternoon!).

    September 28 at 3:03 am

    I'm in, I'll take the dump truck unless others want too. Then I can be in a Ka-50. I'm good either way.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Briefing [Mi-8/Ka-50] Hostages Rescue (Sunday Afternoon!).

    September 26 at 5:33 am

    We will try to fly this mission Sunday afternoon if some of our UK and German pilots want to fly with us. Take off for east-coast is 1600. 1500 for PST. If we have some people interrested, we can use UniversRadio.  This mission is proposing a pretty long navigation across areas of Caucasus map you probably never explored. It's pretty interesting for Mi-8, navigation wise. Ka-50 will have to escort and secure some extraction areas. We will also have plenty of time to work on those formations. It's high altitude, it's cold and it's windy. We will try to follow departure and arrival radio procedures. UG27 ATIS 141.000Mhz / GND/TWR on 140.000Mhz / TBILISSI TMA on 138.000Mhz. FARP TORBA 125.500Mhz and KAPEL 126.500Mhz. Read the full briefing HERE. Expect to spend 3 hours total for this mission.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 26 at 3:30 am

    You better knock on wood Eagle! I know one night you told me you don't turn them off. I guess if it was a huge game changing update it might mess it up, but the little fixes updates may not mess with mods at all. When ED does merge 1.5 and 2.0 I'd turn them off for sure! 

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 26 at 1:53 am

    I'll be honest I haven't been doing that and I haven't had any problems... well not any more than anyone else 

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 26 at 1:43 am

    Yep. Same for DCS update. You have to be careful to turn everything off before.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 25 at 2:10 pm

    Yeah, his version of the map is awesome. After one update I forgot to turn it back on and I could tell right away. I flew that mission with the stock map. I don't know if it makes a difference but I turn off all mods before letting an update run, then turn them back on. With IL2 1946 and JSGME it could screw up your install if you didn't so its a habit to do it. 

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 24 at 12:43 am

    I'm with Drakoz here, Dead is Dead should be for an event, not an every day squad mission. I do like the rescue idea though. Here's what I mean..Way back when in Warbirds we would have an event twice a month. A lot of squads flew in it ,sometimes it was over 300 in a night. It was called the Squad Select Series . Dead is dead is the rule. Every squad that flew in it would use their squad nights geared to practicing what they were tasked with doing in the S3. Squad night you could spawn as many times as needed to get it right for the S3. Whatever the outcome on a given night the map would stay as it is until next time. So if you bombed a base bad enough that it couldn't be used next time it still couldn't unless it was repaired in the time frame and so on. -smil- played in it too. I'm sure he would also say how much fun it was..unless you messed up on take off and killed yourself..or dropped your bombs on the runway while running up and killed most of your squad! (off topic) If you haven't seen his post for "FNG..soon" I thought I knew his call sign, turns out I've been flying with and against him for years. Small world. Here is a link to his ka-50 cockpit I found my old stats..they are still up! bkwolf  (off topic) So it was a mix of flight sim,role playing and game master. Drakoz mission sounds more like that. In the sense you couldn't win it in a night or every time you ran it the outcome could be different.  Dead is dead wouldn't be much fun every time, maybe the rescue yourself idea would. BK  

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 23 at 1:53 am

    Ha!  Excess pilots.  Not only are you dead, but instead of getting the chance to respawn yourself, you are out, and the wait listed guy is in.  That's brutal.  Though I'd hope if we get guys on a wait list, instead we expand the missions to allow everyone in.  Regarding picking up pilots who are downed, I actually love that idea, but I didn't suggest it because seems most the time we don't survive.  But maybe we play it as if you do survive and it adds the element of having to do a rescue.  Or maybe it will become an incentive for people to practice auto rotations, or remember to eject for those that can.  Then again, seems the Ka-50 guys always ride their mount right into the ground.  :-O  Another idea is to have a rescue helicopter on standby.  The downed pilot must fly his own rescue mission successfully before he is allowed to jump back into his previous aircraft.  Of course, if you were shot down in a hot area, you will need to seek help from the other helicopters to make a safe extraction.  This stuff doesn't even need to be scripted in missions.  It can be up to the mission maker to determine what the "death" policy is for a mission and people just follow it.  Though it may require scripting a rescue radio to start transmitting at the crash site.  Seriously, when a bird goes down, everyone's primary task should switch to find and protect the downed crew until they are rescued or at least out of danger (the rescue zone is no longer hot).   Yes, Tuesday training nights should always be respawn of course as it is a casual night.  I have CA and I have several times considered how I might use it to play "game master". I don't mean intentionally trying to win against the real players.  I mean like a game master who directs the game play on both blue and red in order to make the mission exciting (like Zeus in ARMA 3).  I think CA can let me do that - popping into any aircraft or ground vehicle, as well as being field commander on both sides - for the purpose of stirring shit up.   If you guys haven't figured it out, I spent many years doing roll playing games (AD&D, Pathfinder more recently), so I am always thinking not as a mission designer, but as a game master.  For example, the missions I'm working on will have a strong ground contingent in them so it isn't just helicopters shooting at ground targets.  But in fact the helicopters really are CAS for a large ground battle and without the CAS, the good guys will lose. This partially alleviates the need to find targets by being a target to draw fire.  If a bunch of tanks or infantry are already shooting at each other, you know where the bad guys are.  My first mission will rely heavily on red and blue beating the crap out of each other, and the helicopters will be coming to save the day.  If I can eventually work CA and "game mastering" into the mix, I will.    

    8 years ago

  • spike replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 23 at 12:51 am

    I agree with the idea of dead = dead.  I know Tuesday's mission was a training/fun mission, and in those instances I prefer to respawn at will.  But any "serious" mission should be permadeath.  Bad's idea of excess pilots is a good one, too.  Jumping into the enemy's vehicles may be unfair, since that one "enemy" will know the routes, strategy, etc.  Combine that with not being idiotic AI, it could be another slaughter similar to Bad's last example. Either way, it was fun!   

    8 years ago

  • spike replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 22 at 10:59 pm

    Thanks for the list, BK!  I couldn't stand the blue cockpit (I know, I know), but I went with Ricardo's black HD one.  Also really enjoying Starways' map.  Thanks again for bringing these to my attention.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 22 at 9:08 pm

    As you said Drakoz, the no respawn rule is really nice when there's a lot of pilots flying on the mission. An alternate to this is to have an "extraction" rule, meaning that if your chopper is shot down, assuming you kinda crash landed your aircraft or ejected, then you need to wait for another player to extract you (like landing next to the downed chopper). We can also have pilot's on stand by. Say you have a 6 choppers mission and 8 registered pilots for it, the excess pilots (the website registration system can handle stand-by lists) can be waiting to jump in the next chopper available after someone got shot down. Also, a funny option is to have the downed pilots jump into an enemy vehicle in CA (assuming they have it). Talking about that, I flew Tuesday's mission once with two guys controlling the AAA in CA, and it was a complete slaughter for the helicopters. Those guys were hiding in the forests, or waiting for a few helicopters to pass before popping out from the woods and shoot from behind, or again going into evasive maneuvers whenever they were engaged. Hilarious, but AI, although they are aiming better, are much less vicious.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 22 at 2:47 am

    I actually don't think the view distance is that bad compared to real life and to be honest having zoom is pretty nice I keep the button on my collective and I'm ashamed to say I've reached for it in real life. In the first chapter of that book they talk about not seeing the VC until they were literally hovering over them.  I agree that tactics are definitely going to be different but It's that way in real life the enemy is always going to be one step ahead so we train to a base standard that we are able to adapt when needed.  Hopefully the AI will get better later on but right now I'm just looking forward to being able to use trees as actual concealment. 

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 22 at 2:31 am

    One thing I like with organized play in multiplayer ARMA is the concept that you die, and you are out for the night.  Most public servers just follow the re-spawn any time model because they have to - no organization.  But organized groups like United Operations (who I have played with a few times), or Shacktac follow the dead is dead concept.  Well, you can spectate on a separate Teamspeak channel heckling as everyone else dies, so it's not so bad.   It is harsh, but it makes you act more like you would in real life, and since it is a mil-sim, part of the sim is entrenching the fear of god in the players.  This works, in my opinion, because the 2-3 hour ARMA missions also have between 50 and 150 players.  So there is a lot going on and the dead people have plenty to watch and heckle.  In DCS, with only 4 pilots, this obviously doesn't work.  Not enough for the dead people to spectate, and loose just 2 pilots, and the remaining pilots are possibly no longer combat effective.   I like the idea, however, of forcing the tactics to change due to the loss of aircraft.  For example, maybe enforcing the idea that the dead respawn together and re-enter the AO as a backup group after a short wait.  Or maybe the idea that the ones still alive can make the decision to fly back to the FARP or airport, and then regroup and go out as a full squad again in fresh aircraft.  But there is still a wait for the dead.  You don't just get to re-engage immediately.     As for my other comments, regarding tactics, I'm thinking about DCS tactics because the enemy is AI, not real.  So in real life, no we wouldn't use these tactics, but with DCS, the AI are very predictable which sucks but it compensates for the fact that they are also eagle eyed and can see us the moment our rotor blades crest a hill at 5K meters (which is BS and not likely to happen in real life).  Also, the tactics I'm talking about are partially a factor that we can't see soldiers or even technicals at even 1-2K distance most the time (the graphics just don't do it), but in real life, our eyes might be able to pick out such details.  So when I talk about tactics like I did above, I'm talking about learning what works in DCS even though I know that doesn't work in real life.  The tactic I'm describing requires patience, communication, and a good chain of command.  And it is enhanced by a fear of death so people want to use the tactics so as not to have to wait half an hour to rejoin.  Thoughts?          

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC liked a reply to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 22 at 1:26 am

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 22 at 12:42 am

    Flying low to spot/draw the enemy fire like I said last night was a real tactic but those times are over with the increased threat of RPGs, AAA, and manpads. Low Level Hell This book is a great resource on what it would be like to be a scout pilot. Now days we would never get that close to AAA you would do like you described before keep your range and observe the target area. I do have to admit my knowledge of attack tactics is very weak the most I really got was the fundamentals of scouting. and to be honest I have really been teaching you things that are common in the lift community so I have no idea if it is the same as the attack guys. I will try to reach out to some of my Apache friends to see if they have any better information but for now all that I really am going on is  the basic combat maneuvers from the .203 and some other sources. I will try to make another lesson on it in the future but this is a little lower on priority list since it is out of my "lane" so to speak.    I definitely like this type of training mission it puts people on the spot to make decisions based off of limited information and helps develop our tactics and communications. Definitely room for improvement but there always is. I think in real life you wouldn't be so quick to fly that low when you think there is AAA around I know Bad and I talked about having a single helicopter and how it adds a new level of fear and cautiousness. I think that might be a little extreme for us but I think a compromise would be having to wait until the other aircraft are at the farp before the dead players can respawn sort of like a tag in system.   Anyway that's my two cents it was still a lot of fun and can't wait to do it again  

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 21 at 11:44 pm

    My near miss with a missile. Not as close as I remember it at the time, but close enough.

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 21 at 10:57 pm

    I'm not sure if it is just DCS (because are are going against AI, not real people), or if it is just the real tactic you have to use against AAA, but the concept of finding the enemy by letting them shoot at you is one I realized in the A-10A way back in the LOMAC days.  Flying at a defensible distance and altitude until you see the smoke of the SAM launch, quickly remembering where you saw it and taking action to avoid the missile.  In the helicopters, I am perfectly comfortable jumping up and letting a AAA target me so someone else in a more defensible position can destroy the target.  Right now, however, it seems to be the only tactic that works in DCS because the AI is too good at finding and targeting us.  Such is the detriment of going against AI in any mil sim.   When that missile almost hit me, though, I wasn't paying attention.  I saw the smoke and was like "ah, is that a missile?.......  Oh shit!"  I moved to the left just in time.  I could have reached out and grabbed it, it was so close.  But of course, stupid me didn't even think about flares.  I need to practice flaring as a reaction.   I supposed the other tactic is to use long range optics on the Ka-50 (or the Gazelle if done right) to find targets and shoot them before they shoot you.  But again, it becomes a range vs. range thing.  If your optics allow you to find and shoot the target while being outside of their range, you are fine.  Even with the Ka-50, that isn't always possible.  In the Gazelle, I often find a target at long (safe) range and hence have locked my camera on that position, then using cover, I fly in to the target, get within range, popping up every now and then to make sure I know what is between me and the target.  Then when I'm in a good spot, I switch to the #2 seat, pop up and fire before they can get a good shot back.  I did this a lot last night in fact, even in the Gazelle L model, using my optics to keep track of where the target was as I used terrain blocking to move in close enough that I might be able to do a gun or missile run.  But of course it was better to let you guys take out the targets with guided missiles.  I was hoping later in the mission to get more bold, try to get within 1KM or less, pop up for a quick shot of rockets or guns, but the server crash issues ruined that.  But regarding the tactics I followed last night.  At that 3rd town, I was able to consistently draw the AAA fire at my location by popping up. I'd get RWR immediately, followed by gun fire within a predictable period of time.  I could have done that all day long, pop up, draw fire, and tell one of you to shoot the target.  The difficulty comes in following procedure and sticking to the plan which is where we had trouble last night.  The tactic works, but it's a question of being patient and following the practice.  As I learned from playing ARMA online, a couple hours of moving into an AO, setting up cross fire and flanking, all for about 5 minutes of actual shooting.  But that's doing it the "real" way, as opposed to wanting to go rogue and just attacking because you can.   Well, the tactic works as long as we do the first step.  It requires first identifying all (most) the targets in the area so we know where we can ingress safely and so there are no surprises.  This is a matter of finding the safe vs. dangerous zones.  It is best to think of it like a bunch of infantry running form fox hole to fox hole, maybe using suppressing fire at times. All methods such as flanking, having spotters, etc. all apply equally well.  This is where the perfectness of the AI is annoying.  In a real conflict, you could hide and cover through trees for example, see a target without being spotted (or spotted quickly), but for the AI, trees don't exist.  So as soon as you crest the horizon of a hilltop, they are immediately turning toward you and shooting as soon as they have acquired the target.  I'm sure I'm saying nothing new to most of you guys.  It is kind of new to me, so looking for confirmation of my thoughts.    Obviously, the above tactics require a good chain of command (a commander that has a plan and implements it, and the squad following those commands).  I hadn't commanded a group like that before last night, so I was a little unsure how I should effectively use everyone.  For the Ka-50's it was easy.  You guys could find a spot far off enough to be effective without getting shot down (most the time).  I was less sure what to do with Eagle in the Gazelle M.  Doing it again, I would probably have used myself as a spotter in a safe flanking position, Eagle to draw fire, and the Ka-50's to shoot.  But then depending on the target (and available weapons - spreading out who was shooting), I would have changed rolls for Eagle vs. BaD and Spike, giving the KA-50's a chance to play rabbit.  But the key point I didn't follow well last night was getting into a good flanking observation spot.  If I had, I could have used my camera to identify stuff that the rest of you couldn't see and helped direct fire.     So the question is, are we interested in that type of mission - where we have to be patient, let the commander come up with a plan and execute it, maybe trying new stuff and learning along the way, or are we more interested in operating on our own, or maybe in pairs, or just individual run and gun passes.  All mission types are valid, but the one that is likely most effective is what I have explained above.  Regardless I had a lot of fun last night.  Thanks again BaD for the mission editing. Regards,Michael

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 21 at 8:44 pm

     Mods I must have are: KA-50: TGP in color, Devrims hud in English, and Ricardo/Dev's blue HD cockpit ,JTAC for ka-50 and MI-8, ABRIS nav mod Mi-8: Vasilissa Blue, JTAC, Mi-8 Weapon mod( corrects the look of the rockets) Gazelle: Devrims English cockpit Other mods: Starways Caucasus map, Diveplanes soundpack, Devrims Su-27 grey and English cockpit, FW-190 English pit,109 English pit and the ME model skin and payload viewer. Along with the BSD mods as well. I will try this new one out. I did see it in the ED forums but didn't read too much about it.  BK

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 21 at 8:15 pm

    Awesome! Sorry I missed it, work called at 830 so I had to go.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic Debrief combat training (Tuesday 20th).

    September 21 at 4:53 am

    Pilots: BadCrC, Drakoz, Eagle_Rising, SpikeDuration: 2.5 hours (update logbook!) A fun flight with some serious firepower to overcome this time. Since it was a training, we knew in advance the area where the enemy will wait for us. But still, some positions were a challenge to take out. Difficulty was increased gradually. Two Ka-50 and two SA-342 (L and M) took off from Sochi, heading to the border. SA-342 were to be the scouts while Ka-50 would stay at the rear shooting down at range the targets desigated by the Gazelles. It turned out that Gazelles were more used as to draw fire, for the Ka-50 to cover and destroy whatever was on the other side of the bullets tracers. Take off: Drakoz was leading. We finally got the grip on the formation take off procedure and it looked about good. Still some hesitations with the use of the anti collision. But overall, a nice improvement.Chalk callsigns used during the formation flight. It was a bit confusing though to have to switch to our callsigns when leaving the formation. Callsigns shall be better discussed at the pre take off briefing.  Ingress: Formation flight was pretty much a disaster, as none of the aircraft were able to maintain a constant speed and altitude, making the formation impossible to maintain. To be worked again. Radio coms were good though, and leader was clearly announcing next waypoints while acknowledgments were done properly. First BP (waypoint Delta or 4):No specific issue. Vulcans quickly taken out by the 2 Ka-50 while the Gazelles were finishing the light vehicles. Second BP (waypoint Golf or 7): A bit more tricky as it was positioned at the exit of a corner turn. We quickly drew fire from the Vulcans sitting on top of the small buildings and got our first battle damages/loss. Work as scout/heavy worked well. Third BP (waypoint India or 9): Change of leader. Eagle is switching with Drakoz to lead the attack on India. Respawned aircraft joining us at Hotel with new machines. Several Vulcans and armed Humvees to take down. Drakoz narrowly avoided to first missile shot at him from India while flying low. This allowed us to spot several air threats and deal with them, once the perfect spot found. Fourth BP (waypoint India or 9): Two Gepards made our lives really difficult with multiple losses.Once taken out by Bad from 8 km away at the crest of a mountain. Disconnections and DCS crashes cut short this mission. Conclusion: A lot of progress on take off procedure. Better radio communications. Formation flight to review. Good leading although it takes a lot of effort to figure out where everybody is during an attack. The first attacks were properly responding the the leader's tactics, the next ones were a bit 'lone wolf' type. But datalink and radio comms were used extensively.Because of the surrounding narrow terrain, it was difficult for the gazelle to fulfill its role of scout as they were pretty quick in the EA (Egagement Area) and not watching from out of range of the enemy. Nevertheless, there was a nice attempt from Drakoz to maintain the Ka50 as heavy back support against AA awhile Gazelles were dealing with lighter targets and infantry. No overkill. In general, it as great flying with you guys as we are starting to get used to fly together and get a better feel of the tactics to follow in combat zones.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Cool/Interesting pictures.

    September 21 at 12:24 am

    SO I totally forgot about this  at the end of primary flight tanning we were supposed to take a class photo and make a commemorative plaque we spent all of our money on booze for our IPs so we had to get creative 

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 21 at 12:08 am

    The signups are mainly just a formality - so the organizer knows who (or if anyone) is coming.  There's no cut off for the signup, but of course it is best to sign up early so the organizer knows people will be there.  If you can't sign up, there may be a permission problem on the website.  So speak up if that is the case. I just signed up for tonight's training flight.  Wasn't sure I would make it until just now.  But it would also be fine to just show up if you can because it's casual.  For the real missions (typically Thur night), of course it is important to show up on time for briefing and kick off as adding a helicopter late in the mission is less than ideal.  Tues. are generally casual, training days so that doesn't matter as much.  A chance for us to work out and practice techniques, radio brevity, learn to work together, etc.  

    8 years ago

  • Brain replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 20 at 6:30 pm

     Knows how to start a Russian attack helicopter, can't read a calendar. However, I was right about being to late so sign up. Every brain farts sometimes ;)

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 20 at 5:16 pm

    Thursday mission was last week Brain. There is no mission planned this week on thursday yet.

    8 years ago

  • Brain replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 20 at 4:19 pm

    Don't you just love it when you wrote something, want to come back to it a few minutes later and close the window in the mean time? I'm doing too much multi tasking since my rig can handle it.It wasn't as exciting as I hoped for and I'm not feeling any more combat capable but I had fun between all those helis. I see myself enjoying the KA-50 even more once we get into the more serious stuff. This doesn't mean I didn't enjoy chatting with you guys ;) Pleasant surprise to find some model builders around here as well. While I'm on the subject: & Scalemates.comTo be honest I avoided the auto rotation landing. After playing public for some time and often dealing with total idiots I can't stand waiting 3minutes for startup if I can possibly avoid it (seriously, learn how to use your plane instead of doing low fly-bys, ripping my blades off). I will get to it eventually but for now my goal is to bring her home safe. I might be feeling too confident after I walked away unharmed from a dance with a Shilka (guns kill) and 2 SA-13s a few days ago :DI'm hungry for more but I might have to take a slow start. Planned on joining the Tue flight but something just came up so I probably wont make it. I could attend on Thursday but since I never needed it I have no clue about ARK and HSI slave as noted in the required competencies. Today might have been a good opportunity to go over it really quickly as I'm a fast learner.Can't register for either flight anyways (which is probably just me not signing up in time) but if there is a way to squeeze me in regardless I'm sure you'll let me know....if not, we'll be having another flight soon :)

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 20 at 3:46 pm

    Well, the mods in the BSD repository server are the ones we are using for missions, adding mostly new objects to add more realism/fun in them. Like landing on a small ship with an engine about to explode, and no hydraulics (kudos to Eagle): We can also imagine to use some specific skins for missions, or customized ones for BSD with our names on each aircraft, and have them available and up to date on the repository. The others are more personal taste. Hence, they are not in the BSD repository. I really like the KA50 HD cockpit from Ricardo and the Vassilia Mi-8 HD cockpit (in English).

    8 years ago

  • spike replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 20 at 2:58 pm

    Nice.  Is it wrong that I don't have any mods installed?  :)  I may have an updated cockpit for the Ka-50, but I just overwrote the vanilla.  I haven't used JSGME since Silent Hunter IV, but I'll definitely check it out. What are some of the must-have mods out there (aside from what's on the Links section of the site)? Thanks Bad!

    8 years ago

  • spiderpig replied to the topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 20 at 10:14 am

    Looks interesting.  Will have to check it out.  

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC created new topic OvGME: JSGME on steroids!.

    September 20 at 5:28 am

    As you all know, JSGME is an abandonware now for many years and although it is still working pretty well in most cases, it is nonetheless very limited and basic. So there's this guy Senedion on the forum who rewrote from scratch this software and added some really fantastic feature like multi game support, multi mods profiles, online mod updates from a repository server and support of zipped files. After playing around with it tonight, I can only wholeheartedly recommend it to you guys.  Go and get the install file here. (version 1.6.5 as I am writing those lines). Before installing it, make sure you remove all the mods you have installed with JSGME before so you have a clean version of DCS World. Once you start using OvGME, DO NOT use again JSGME at the same time as it will screw up your DCS installation. It's one OR the other. Then go through the usual installation process of OvGME (licence agreement, components,...). At this point you are ready to create your first configuration, in this case for DCS world. Now the cool thing is that you can keep the directory you use to have your JSGME mods as it is and use it for OvGME. It can indeed manage Directory mods just like what JSGME was handling. These are my settings for my config DCS World. Once you hit apply, you are ending up in the main OvGME window with the good old list of mods you use to have with JSGME. Double clicking on a greyed out mod will install it. Double click again and it will remove it. Before starting to re install mod, I suggest you go 'config' then 'snapshot' in order to create a snapshot of the files as they are in a clean DCS world version. This will allow OvGME to check what files were modified when applying mods. The snapshot process took about 3 or 4 minutes on my computer. Now, if you go to 'mods' then 'make Mod-Archive', you can generate a zip file of one of your directory mod. What's cool about OvGME generated zip mod files, is that, of course, it is smaller, but also you can embed a version number that will help you to track if you are running the latest one, and comments, to get a description of the mod for example. Creating a Mod archive from the Vasilissa cockpit mod for Mi-8 directory Once you created a Mod archive file, you can delete the directory of the mod you just archived an use only the zip file from OvGME, as long as the zip file is in the Mod path of the configuration you created. Now, even more cool is the online capability to check and update mods from a repository server. So it turned out I created one for BSD users so you guys can do exactly this before flying a mission requiring mods, without wondering if you got the latest version and worrying about installing the mod correctly in order for it to show up during the mission! For this, go to 'mods', 'repositories', 'configure' then add the following URL:  Close the repositories configuration window. Go to 'mods', 'repositories', 'query' and you'll see a list of the official BSD mods with an icon telling you if you already have the mod installed or not in your mod directory, and if yes, if it is at an older or more recent version. If you find you are missing one of the mod from the list, or if your existing mod is not up to date, simply double click to update your mod. How cool is that? You then just have to install the recently downloaded mod by double clicking on it in the main OvGME window. Check out the help in the 'help' drop down menu. It is pretty detailed and easy to understand, well at least in the french version. I didn't read the english one. Let me know if you have questions.

    8 years ago

  • spike replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 20 at 4:45 am

    Nice pics, Blackwolf.  And of course, a belated welcome to Brain!  (I always picture that name the way zombies say it.)  Thanks everyone for letting me join late.  As always, fun times were had by all. A bit late, but I thought I'd share some of my own screenshots.   This is what happens to me when BK has gun pods:   Brain and Eagle trying to kiss:   Some fun with flares:   And of course, my attempt (crashed Huey) and BK's attempt (overturned Ka-50) at autorotation.  Brain and Eagle nailed theirs.  This is why I prefer the Blackshark...if the engine dies for whatever reason, I have a parachute and don't have to learn this stuff.  :)   Welcome again, Brain, and thanks everyone for the fun.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 18 at 3:24 pm

    Welcome Brain! That was a lot of fun just flying around and talking with you. I did manage to get some screens this time. Eagle and Spike going for a CAT launch :P Spike doesn't need landing gear! Brain coming in, making it look easy.

    8 years ago

  • BaDCrC replied to the topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 18 at 1:57 pm

    Welcome Brain! You should now have access to our mess and library with your new trainee status. Waiting to fly your first MP mission to get your wings at BSD! Hope you enjoyed the intro flight with BK and Eagle (thanks guys!).  I am looking forward to fly with you next time. BaDCrC.

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising created new topic Welcome to Brain.

    September 18 at 4:25 am

    Welcome Brain to BSD  Thank you for joining the flight and thank you BK for providing the mission.  all though the original plan of flying around the local airfield was thwarted by the AAA in the adjacent village we managed to still get some training in. BK led us to a near by airfield which we used as an opportunity to practice formation flying. Brain did a pretty good job of taking my feedback and applying it on the spot. There was some confusion upon reaching the airfield which brings up a good point that we should also practice entering and exiting traffic patterns. We did manage a few trafic patterns the only comments that I would have on them is that the landings were a little short of the touch down point other than that the patterns were pretty good. We disused VRS a little you should be able to view some of my lessons on aerodynamics in the fundamentals of flight thread once you get Bad changes you to trainee status.  We then flew back NOE with me flying lead and Spike ended up joining us in another Huey at the mid way point. I lead us right over the target area were BK and I were shot down rather quickly and Spike lost his tail rotor but made a skillful landing saving his crew and aircraft and Brain managed to take out all the threats.  we then practiced autorotations I demonstrated the first one, spike came in second and was to slow on the initial which caused him to fall through on the decel and crashing although the pilots were alive I'm sure they were not happy. Bk almost ran into me on his auto rotation coming in crooked and rolling the aircraft. I however didn't see Brains autorotation but I'm sure there will be more opportunities for that later. We then made our way over to the ships and finished with a couple landings. Spike and I left shortly after that.   Again it was a great flight Brain I am glad to have you with us I would try expanding your horizons later on with different aircraft but I understand you wanting to stick with the KA-50 for now      

    8 years ago

  • Eagle_Rising replied to the topic Brains suiting up, strappin in.

    September 18 at 12:35 am

    I agree with you on the flight model it is going to be a very different aircraft then any other helicopter but I don't think it is inaccurate. no one is going to force you to get any other helicopters it's just that others are passionate about their helicopters myself included. I sent you the TS info if you still want to fly tonight  

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Brains suiting up, strappin in.

    September 18 at 12:34 am

    Eagle just sent them for you. I'll be on TS in just a few.

    8 years ago

  • Brain replied to the topic Brains suiting up, strappin in.

    September 18 at 12:25 am

    Thanks for the write up but I think I got a good picture of what those helis are going to be like. I started with Janes LB Gold and have since been addicted to helis just like I was addicted to planes already. I just want an attack helicopter. Not because I can 'snipe' from 8km, but because I can charge in with 40mm rockets. I'm fast, maneuverable and can take a few hits. There are also a lot of buttons to push and I really enjoy that ;)In terms of flight model, remember the KA-50 is coax helicopter. The manual states it has quiet different flight characteristics compared to a classic layout. I'm no expert but I can believe that, so I'm buying the flight model. If it get's more accurate over time that's cool, it's still a bit of a challenge and once 'mastered' a fun to fly machine IMHO.Currently doing some more practice with S-8 on Dragon's weapon training I believe but will be on for a bit longer I think. So, depending on when you come on I might hop on and do a little sunday drive with somebody.

    8 years ago

  • Blackwolf replied to the topic Brains suiting up, strappin in.

    September 17 at 11:37 pm

    I'm up for some flying tonight. I'll send you the ts info if Eagle hasn't yet.

    8 years ago

  • Drakoz replied to the topic Brains suiting up, strappin in.

    September 17 at 11:20 pm

    Brain, Nice to meet you.  Sounds like you can bring some good ideas for missions.  Many of the membership are ex or current military.  So we are getting a healthy dose of tactics and methods.  This is much of why I joined the group.   Don't discount the other helicopters.  The Mi-8 offers as much or more challenge than the Ka-50, yet it is not considered an attack helicopter.  Trying to tune an ADF beacon for a downed pilot while in flight, checking a knee board map and avoiding getting shot down is half the challenge and many of our missions will include stuff like that.  The Ka-50 is easy to fly once you understand it's systems, which takes away one of the biggest factors about combat operations - not crashing just because you weren't paying attention.  I mean the Ka-50's autopilot modes make this much less likely at least.  In the Mi-8, though, I had a VRS incident this week because I was too focused on finding targets and not paying attention to my flight speed.  I never felt such life critical factors flying the Ka-50 both because it's auto pilot features, but also because I've always felt the Ka-50 was not as realistic of a flight model as the other DCS helicopters.  Not a detriment - the Ka-50 is cool in so many ways.  But the Mi-8 and Huey make you feel a lot more like you are flying a real helicopter.  It's kind of a technology vs. visceral feel thing. The Huey is similar to the Mi-8, but not as complex on weapon systems and load outs.  You still have to choose the compromise of more weapons and fuel vs. maneuverability or just being able to take off without forward airspeed.  So some of our missions may involve a Huey with minimal or no weapons flying recon, or troop pickup/drop off.  A mission idea I'm looking at requires a constant stream of Huey's or Mi-8's delivering troops to an escalating conflict with other helicopters (Ka-50s or Gazelles) flying interference.  If the Huey has weapons, then it will be too heavy, yet the mostly unarmed flying buses will be the most important part of the mission - success will depend on reaching critical mass of troops in the area.  So the Huey and Mi-8 offer the most realistic model of what is like to fly a real helicopter, and also offer the most realistic regarding avionics compared to general aviation (no glass cockpits, steam gauges only, more primitive navigation and the need to understand how to use it all).  The Gazelle is also really neat.  It is probably the easiest to learn due to ease of flight, and simple to understand weapons.  And, it is the sports car of DCS helicopters - very nimble.  The Bo-105 will likely be the same when it comes out.  I like to fly aerobatics as much as combat, so I'm looking forward to the Bo-105.  The Gazelle is a little easier to fly with it's SAS (stability control) once you have it figured out.  Easier to understand it's weapons, but still offers attack helicopter features such as TV wire guided missiles, as well  as rockets and guns for a more personal in your face combat.  And with only a 4300m range on it's HOT3 missiles, you have to use terrain blocking and working with the other pilots as a team to survive as that is well within most other AAA weapon system's range.   Many of our missions, if they were only Ka-50 based, would allow us to just sit back at 8K distance and pick off targets practically at will.  But the other helicopters require getting down and dirty with the enemy, often in close quarters.  A couple weeks ago, Eagle_Rising was actually pinned down in a Gazelle (or was it a Huey) in an area due to enemy fire just over the hill, not 200m away.  Seeing the bullets fly and series of explosions as the enemy was trying to take him out was an amazing display of fire power.  Mean while, the rest of us were trying to maneuver to take out his attackers.  Alas, we were too slow, so he rose up and took them out on his own after a bit - and survived.  Just giving you some food for thought regarding the other helicopters.  We all have our favorites, so even if you feel differently, well, that's part of the fun, and a good reason why BaDCrC requires, as part of membership, that all members contribute to creating missions.  I look forward to flying with you. Regards,Michael

    8 years ago