
  • your call sign: Werewolf
  • your age (must be over 18 years old): 45
  • your type of internet connection and speed: Cable, 330 Mps Download, 13 Mps Upload
  • your timezone: Western US (PST)
  • your availability during the week and or weekends: Varies based on work schedule. I work 25-35 hours a week currently. I have at least 2 days off a week but my schedule does vary week to week.
  • your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: I'm unsure of how many hours I have in DCS exactly (I use stand alone), but I have well over 1000 hours of flight time spread across various modules. I have the AH-64D Apache, KA-50 Black Shark, SA-342 Gazelle, F/A-18C Hornet, F-16C Viper, AV-8B Harrier, F-14 Tomcat, SU-27/SU-33 Flanker, and F-15C Eagle. Hours are generally split pretty evenly between rotorary and fixed wing. My rotory hours are probably pretty evenly split between the three I have (yes, even though the AH-64 is new I've spent a lot of time on it lately). My fixed wing hours are mostly between the Hornet (by far the most) and Harrier with little bit on the Viper.
  • your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Basic but wanting to learn more
  • your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): Easiest anwser I like all attack and scout choppers. I have reasons to like each of the choppers I have currently. I don't have the Hind but I have trialed it and I do like it.. it will probably be something I pick up down the road. Also looking forward to the Kiowa. Generally I like my pew pew. I like scout helicopters because while they have less firepower generally they are very nimble and fun to fly. Transport choppers like the Huey or Mi-8 are less interesting for me to fly although I do respect them as good aircraft. If I had to put them in order... I'd probably go AH-64, KA-50 (very close second), then Gazelle.
  • your expectations w.r.t BSD: Organized mil-sim gameplay, teamwork, good communication, and good coordination. I have the most fun working with a team in a coordinated tactical type of game environment. Getting somebody to CPG for me (or visa versa if needed) would be great and an improvement to the AI in the game!


  • Re: Recruitment Info - Werewolf

    by » 3 years ago

    Hey Warewolf!

    Welcome to BSD and thanks for your intro. I'm DJ - one of the OH IP/SMEs.

    Noted that you've said there is an interest in the recce element, so thought I'd expand on that a little for you. Here at BSD we utilise the Gazelle, 64 and, in the future, 58.

    Our OH-64 platoon - WARLOCK, take the OH principles that we've used in the Gazelle and make maximum use of the Apache systems and capability of the 64 (which will become even more useful once IDM arrives).Standard loadout is essentially to allow for prosecution of critical targets or self defence.

    OH also carries a skill set that focussed on teamwork, commmand and control and FAC(A) techniques. The training pipeline is fairly long, but worth it.

    If you want to focus on pure target prosecution - then AH is the way to go. Not my bag, so I'll leave one of those guys to inform you on that. As with airframe selection for real - choose the role for max enjoyment ????

    Look forward to seeing which way you go but if you want a good level of mil-sim without too much OTT...then you'll like it here. 


    DJ ????????

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